Vintage Horn Eye Candy
One of the threads I miss most from the old site. Here is a 1870s Boston Orchestra model SARV with original case and A slide. The horn plays absolutely great.
Great. Made a sticky.
Oh, I'll play......just got a few back from restoration/repairs.
Here's a pretty rare Martin Handcraft Troubadour Cornet complete with the original warranty card and receipt from Sept 1930. -
Circa 1870 Henry Lehnert SARV Bb cornet, made in Philadelphia, German silver, Allen rotary valves.
1890 F. Besson London Nouveau Etoile model A/Bb/C cornet.
1929 Conn 22B New York Symphony model Bb/A trumpet with accessories.
I tell ya, those cases for these horns.... wood with leather veneer and a piece of cloth to lay on!
1940 Olds Super Recording:
I've gotta get my Conn 2B cleaned up and then I'll post it!
1890s Cornet - The Standard Band Instrument Co, Boston
1962 Conn 5A Victor with copper plated bell.
Conn short cornets, left to right - 1962 9A Victor, 1969 76A Connquest, 1962 5A Victor (custom).
Amazing collection Bob!! I have played three different Directors (Leadpipe going into the 1st valve). The only other cornets that played equally bad were Ambassadors . Granted they are not directors!!
I am a conn nut (like you). My 1909 and 1911 (perfected wonder) play really well. The 1911 is a small bore and is very sweet. My 1908 Wonderphone is amazing it actually plays bit better than my '51 36A. I shake my head and wonder how this is possiple. Only my strad plays better than my Wonderphone.
I have had a couple '70's Conns made in Japan (16A???) They play amazingly well.
My 1952 Selmer Paris-- still my favorite
@GeorgeB said in Vintage Horn Eye Candy:
My 1952 Selmer Paris-- still my favorite
Such a timeless trumpet. I love my Radial.
1968 Conn 22B Victor, raw brass, dime added in the 3rd valve cap for slotting...
All right, I’ll play - here’s a couple of mine.....
1939 King Silver Tone Master model
1942 Conn 112B
1941 Bach Mercury