I personally feel that sounding (not playing) Taps is a tremendous honor, I never quite understood this till about eight or nine years ago. Let me back up a lot and tell you a story. Back in my hometown of Sidney, OH we always had a Memorial Day Parade and the high school band always marched. When we got to the cemetery one of the band members would sound taps and then another standing way off would sound the echo, always very moving. My junior year I was supposed to be the echo, when it came time I could not get a note out of my horn. I was so ashamed and so embarrased as I had performed many solo works since 7th grade. Needless to say I never tried again as I was just too emotional. Fast forward about 45 years and a gentleman we went to church with passed away and his wife and daughtrs asked me to sound Taps for him, I reluctantly said yes ( I play my trumpet a lot in church). I struggled with the idea of doing this till the funeral but I made it thru just fine even though each time I do this I still get a large lump in my throat. I will say that is one of the best things I have ever done. The little town we lived near has an active American Legion Honor Guard to salute veterans at their funerals and everyone without fail has expressed how much it meant to them to have live Taps. It has given great satisfaction to me also as it humbles me to honor their service. I have now done this more times than I care to remember and on numerous occasions people have tried to pay for this but I say no as it is the least I can do.
Bugle or trumpet doesn't matter if you let your heart do the playing.