@Anthony-Lenzo said in Student trumpet:
...I should not have sold it. But thinking back it went to a cute little boy whose dad wanted him to have a good trumpet. Now in retrospect I am happy for the little guy as I write this .It is a good trumpet why shouldn't he have it.
Sounds to me you have done a beginning trumpet player a good service. The trade off is you may have precluded your use of this horn to have been of some benefit to you.
Let me explain, I had an Olds Ambassador and bequeathed it to my brother that abused the heck out of it in marching band. He returned it to me decades later and I decided to refurbish it, perhaps for my own use, perhaps for resale. The refurbished horn when returned looked great but played even better than I ever remembered. I decided to keep it. It is now my third most played horn in my collection.
I take it with me on vacations as if it is stolen or lost, it is the least valuable horn in my collection (except for my Pocket Trumpet). It has served me well on many trips, business and vacation, and many travels when I was not needing to play professionally. So for this reason, I have kept it and am glad I have.