I think there are two issues and the two issues are being conflated.
One is the unsociability of Miles and his unwillingness to deal respectfully with others.
The other is the unsociability of musicians who butt into performances and disrupt the performance.
There is no excuse for a musician to unexpectedly go on stage mid performance and spoil a performance.
I have had to deal with this many times. Mid phrase a musician suddenly starts playing his instrument and the performance is ruined.
I have dealt with it like Miles did, end the music and tell him to sod off.
In some cases the audience cat called the intruder and told him they loved me and he had spoiled their enjoyment.
Would Thelonious Monk have allowed another pianist to climb on stage and sit at his piano uninvited mid performance. No he would not.
Would the Boston Philharmonic allow a hic with a violin to get on stage and play with them during a performance of Mahlers Fifth. No they would not.
Just 2 days ago during a performance a hip hop musician decided to jump in and disrupt my performance which was going great, he disrupted it made it sound pathetic and then demanded that I play the piece faster.
This is ridiculous.
Wynton was being ridiculous.
If Miles had invited Wynton to play on stage with him there would be no issue, but mid performance to hog the stage when Miles had a performance, had a planned set and the audience had paid to hear Miles and not Wynton, is quire wrong and bordering on abusive.
Are you really telling me that any performer anywhere is fair game to have you mount the stage and start playing with them unrehearsed when they never asked you up.
I have been invited up many times and performed with the band when I did, that was cool and it always went great. But I have also been told by audience members to mount the stage during someone elses act who had not asked me up.
I was not part of the act so I had no business being on stage.
I would never do such a thing.
Or am I reading this right, you guys would have seen nothing wrong with walking up to Doc Severinsen during the Tonight show and trying to play uninvited and unexpected. The floor manager would have you thrown out of the studio. I would have you banned for it.
I respect you guys but be honest, how many performances have you guys really barged in on.
You dont know what they will play next, you have not rehearsed with them, you were not expected to perform, the audience dont want or expect you. A performance can go south real fast.
Wynton was being nasty and objectionable and Miles was having none of it.