I think my past posts on forums have made my view on the value of open sharing of ideas well known. Just the same, even I will admit that there have to be some boundaries, or any forum is doomed to failure.
The last thing I want to see is the Administrator posting less, or less involved. I know there are those who don't see it this way, but I will always recognize that the owner of the site, owns the site. I may vehemently disagree with that person, and I hope they will allow me to, but at the end of the day, if someone undertakes creating a forum, it is theirs to run as they see fit. If no-one likes how they run it, well, it will be more of a blog.
Now, if the Administrator is open to suggestion, and the title of this thread pretty much says so, then I suggest minimal rules.
- Any content that crosses the line into actionable defamation, thereby placing the site owner at risk financially, has to be deleted
- The site owner can refuse membership to anyone for any reason
- Content should be topic-related
- Moderators should recognize their own biases and strive to be neutral in any debate - protecting not only their own point of view, but that with which they disagree (this is the hard one, and the reason for one last suggestion)
- When something is controversial in the world at large, particularly if morality is declared a determinant, that debate should not be welcome - it wont be resolved in a forum. (And for those who object to proscribing moral advocacy, sorry, but you are forgetting that what a society considers to be good or evil changes over time. Right and wrong, regardless of how strongly we feel them, are opinions and only become truths when universally accepted. Want to change the world? Great! Start a forum for that.)
Notice I did not mention profanity or personal attacks. Maybe I am too much of an optimist, but I think that when people make fools of themselves in that way, maybe the world should get to see it. . . .