Trumpeters' Gardening Chops
Being that the flowers are in bloom, would love to see our members gardening skills.... so get out there and send in a pic of your art work with Mother Nature.
Do vegetable gardens count?
I am in possession of Ye Olde Browne Thumb. If plants can't make it on their own on my property, they don't make it at all.
Sadly, we sold this house 3 days ago, but this is part of what me and the wife built in the 14 years we were there. We put together every piece of it by hand, including both pergolas, the fence, fire pit, and outdoor bar. It was a haven for a million bird year in and year out. Broke our hearts to leave it, but we both knew it was time to move on to whatever's next. Photos taken on a very rainy day, unfortunately.
It was really gorgeous in the evening with all the lights on, but I don't have any of those photos on my computer right now.
Kehaulani Credentialed Professional last edited by Kehaulani Jun 23, 2020, 12:09 AM Jun 22, 2020, 5:36 PM
I could swear I posted this before but, anyway . . I let the gardeners handle it.
flugelgirl Qualified Repair Techs Veterans & Military Musicians last edited by Jun 22, 2020, 11:44 PM
@flugelgirl said in Trumpeters' Gardening Chops:
I’m not much of a gardener, but I usually do a few veggies and herbs. Here’s a nice Big Bertha pepper I have right now
Love fresh peppers!
Do suburban farms count?
I had to chop half of the mint this year. Last year it got a couple feet high and when it flowered there were too many bees right around the corner from my backdoor where my students come in the house.
Don't tell my neighbor, who is going to paint his house soon, that I have an after pressure wash picture of it on an international forum.
I'm a new gardener so I'm learning.
barliman2001 Mar 14, 2022, 7:41 PM