Best posts made by Tobylou8
RE: So, how's your Fourth?
I just got in from playing. It was a good concert in the rain, we where protected. It went better than I thought it would just a few days ago. I had been struggling recently and it made NO sense, I knew all the music, done it for years. Everything just felt too tight. So I was concerned. I thought, "Well my horn will be shiny and clean". WOW, just WOW. I got so much junk out, really "chunkage"! I can't explain why or how it got so chunky but it did. It was like playing a new horn. 1812 went very well and the howitzers and Carillon just made it a great concert for those that had braved the thunderstorms that had and still are in the area. Earlier, did a pool party and picnic with the family. Twas a great Independence Day celebration!!
RE: We're off to a good start
@Pinstriper said in We're off to a good start:
@Dr-GO said in We're off to a good start:
@administrator said in We're off to a good start:
What can we do to build our user base? I believe that TH has something like 70k registered users. We only have 130 to date.
A little math.
We have 130 @ 5 weeks = 26 new member/week.
26 members/wk x 52 wks in a year - 1,352 members/year.70,000 TH members/1,352 members TB members/year = 51 years.
Hey, perhaps we are on course, as hasn't TH been around for 51 years... or does it just seem that way!
These things don't trend linear. We haven't reached critical mass, and won't until there are more topics of substance. That's fine for now.
Oh, if nobody noticed, jazzspazz has moved the troll show over to TH.
RE: Favorite Cornet
@N0isemaker said in Favorite Cornet:
This is my Conn 36A " CONCERT GRAND "
I just figured out how to post a photo.
Some say this is one of the best cornets Conn ever made.
I don't know about that but it has a great cornet sound
and I have enjoyed having it.
More information can be found on the " CONN LOYALIST " website.The "scuttlebutt" on the 36A was that Conn "borrowed" excessively from the King Master cornet design. What Conn did manage to do that King could not, was to make it sound like a cornet. I've played a '37 Silvertone and it was trumpet bright. It was a beautiful horn though. Conn "agreed" with King's assessment that they had borrowed too much from the Master model and instead of face copyright litigation, discontinued the 36A. The 36A is a very special cornet indeed.
RE: Trumpet players (40) needed in Paris
@SSmith1226 said in Trumpet players (40) needed in Paris:
I like it!! 71 trumpeters realizing that longtones are important!!!
RE: So, how's your Fourth?
@Robrtx said in So, how's your Fourth?:
@Niner That looks like a wonderful day, grilling with family.
Just an aside, I recently bought an "Inkbird IBT-4XS" grilling thermometer off of Amazon which has solved any overcook/undercook issues I may have had. Monitors up to 4 meats simultaneously and can link to a smart phone...........I'm not a paid endorser, I just think it was a really cool purchase for someone who likes to grill......
I just cook until the smoke alarm goes off or someone calls the fire department. I don't get asked to cook often.
RE: RIP Trumpet "Master"
I learned a lot from Robin. I still use my hose trumpet, play the hymnal, and circular breath to name a few. IF that's all I got from him it would have been sufficient. The only thing we disagreed on was really us talking past each other on a matter.
RE: Why not another thread about bigger horns ?
Reminds me of my Blessing marching trombone, just a little bit bigger!
RE: Mobile Menu Bug
Yes...and the reply button in is in the top right corner rather than under the posts. I thought I was logged out. Maybe I missed an update?
Winter is coming so maybe more keyboard time for me!!! -
RE: pet peeves
@Kehaulani said in pet peeves:
English is an inconsistent language, just ask a non-English speaker, trying the learn it. Getting frustrated over it is a waste of time.
To, too. two true! It can be so, sew annoying!
RE: Synergy Brass Quintet
@administrator said in Synergy Brass Quintet:
Has anybody heard from these guys lately? I heard them in 2008 and was fairly impressed. All the information I can find online is now over a decade old.
Wiki says "WAS"....
Clicking on the website gets this; Sorry, We could not find www.synergyquintet.com
It may be unavailable or may not exist. Try using the suggestions or related links below, or search again using our web search.They were, hopefully are still excellent!
RE: Martin Committee Club
@Dr-GO said in Martin Committee Club:
For several TM Martin Committee Club members, they found the Owner's Manual I received with my 1946 Martin Committee helpful, especially for maintaining piston (valve) performance. So I thought I would post it on TrumpetBoards as it may be of interest to people reading this thread.
RE: We're off to a good start
@Kehaulani said in We're off to a good start:
Well, everyone can find an internet home they are comfortable with. I've given this forum a good chance to show something substantial to benefit both inquirers and contributors, alike. But I haven't seen it raise any higher than a glorified lounge. I guess that's where it's going to lie.
To all those negative comments about Trumpet Herald, yes, it has it's "stars" and fair share of one-upmanship but that's real life. At least, in addition to gags and pretty pictures of gear, it gets around to having discussions on meaningful topics, from time to time.
I guess my main criticism of that site would be it's lack of meaty discussions on things musical, outside of gear. Sax on the Web, while also having it's fair share of gear stuff, gets down to the nitty gritty of musical tools and interpretations also.
So what type of musical interpretation do you want to discuss? Usually the only "music", whatever music is, open to interpretation is jazz. Never been in a jazz discussion that ended well. If I don't like __________, I'm excoriated by those that do. I just don't "get it" or I would think the way I'm supposed to think. Who wants to participate in that? Unless one wants to expound on what motivated the great composers to write what they did, Classical seems pretty straight forward to me. I would find the history interesting, but most people aren't history buffs. How can we discuss music when we can't even define what it is? I'm game, but I'm not going to be belittled for having a differing opinion. THAT is what I dislike so much about TH. Some pompous ASS took pot shots at a maker I know in what was a tongue in cheek discussion of Blue Juice!!! So I let him/her have it and I was asked to only respond in pm's so the post wasn't ruined. What a buffoon!
RE: Community Band
Saturday in the Park
A Stroll in the Garden
A Renaissance Revel
At Sunrise
On The Mall
Capitol Square March
Upcoming concerts could include:
The Sinfonians
Strategic Air Command
Mr. Hollands Opus
Patton's 6th Cavalry
Der'in De
RE: Valve combination 1 and 3
@Doodlin said in Valve combination 1 and 3:
Thanks for the replies. I find it fascinating when learning about the different acoustical properties of musical instruments.
RE: Bundy!
Bundy serial numbers
Bundy serial numbers
Maybe these links could help?