I think you are misunderstanding my posts kehaulani.
I never said that racial segregation is the reason for the demise of big bands and associated high energy dancing.
Changes can happen to big bands and dancing without it being an either or, nothing has changed, or it all has ended.
The fact is jazz was always accompanied by high energy dancing and was inseparable from it and the population loved jazz because of the opportunity for them to dance and mix racially just having a good time.
Then racial segregation caused restrictions in dancing in jazz clubs and then led to the ending of dancing in jazz clubs. And when the opportunity to do something dies the desire to do it shrinks or disappears.
I have not travelled widely I can only speak of my city.
In my case in my city I play for the public just about everywhere, and they love to dance wherever and whenever I play, in venues, in clubs, or in the street. They were dancing to my jazz just 2 nights ago but not in a jazz venue I was playing Jazz in several places around the city.
But consider this. Tonight I was in a jazz club for the evening in the audience and nobody danced at all, all night.
In no jazz clubs here do people dance, but everywhere else they dance to jazz. Why might this be.
Could it be that Jazz clubs have lost the association with having a good time and dancing.