Looking for a part
Sorry this an off topic post about trombone. I am searching for a slide receiver (the female part of the bell section that receives the slide section) and lock nut for an S24G George Roberts bass bone. I have emailed BAC a month ago and have not heard from them. I have checked with my local techies and they have no ideas beyond contacting BAC. I stumbled across this instrument in trading instruments with a friend. My nephew LOVES playing bass bone but is a band director in a rural community in north central Missouri with a new kid and won't be able to afford one any time in the near future. I want to be able to give him this horn but I have to get it playable first. Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
@Mike-Ansberry Try trombonechat.com...
I was mistaken. The instrument is the P-24G, with the larger diameter rotary valves.
I would replace the hand slide tenon as well from a more current model. That way you can use more readily available parts.