So, I think it is safe to say this site is gone for good, no? Anybody have any information on who the owner was? I would like to purchase the domain and redirect traffic to TB. Please PM me with any info you might have. Thanks!
@administrator said in
So, I think it is safe to say this site is gone for good, no? Anybody have any information on who the owner was? I would like to purchase the domain and redirect traffic to TB. Please PM me with any info you might have. Thanks!
I wonder if you have to purchase anything to redirect from a defunct domain? I am not an expert, I am just thinking out loud.
I was a moderator there, and as far as I know, none of us knew or had contact information for MJ other than through TM.
@Vulgano-Brother said in
I was a moderator there, and as far as I know, none of us knew or had contact information for MJ other than through TM.
I agree with this. Even in the last months, I don‘t know of MJ answering PMs.
It is unfortunate. I would love to purchase the domain and redirect all traffic here. That may sound a bit egotistical, but you have to realize, if you do searches on trumpet-related topics, many of them return results from TM, and, when you click on the link....nothing, nada, zilch. At the very least it would help the SEO of this site tremendously.
I've started dropping hints on YouTube. We'll see if there are any results.
Based on what little we know, I doubt MJ wants to sell the domain. The domain itself was probably worth $1,000 to $2,000, possibly more with the associated content. It's still probably worth a few hundred bucks. But the more time passes, the more its value will decline.
MJ could have cashed out, and created an orderly transfer. But this did not happen. We can only speculate why. I hope he's okay, and that nothing tragic happened. And I wish him all the best.
The domain is registered through 2023. At that point, it likely will have little value. If you do a whois lookup, you can get the phone number and email address of the domain's proxy owner. Give them a call.
I have also reached out to MJ over the past few months, and no response. I do hope he is OK and doing well.
After no response over earlier this year, decided to create I helped create the original TM site, and was one of the admins to help get the site built, configured and added various new features/custom programming for the site back in the day.
Was a great alternative to TH at the time, and was fun! Best wishes to MJ -