World Champion Boston Red Sox !
Yaz was the man when I was a kid! Triple Crown winner in '67!
World Champion Boston Red Sox !
Yaz was the man when I was a kid! Triple Crown winner in '67!
One of my favorites. We didn't get the words as kids, just thought is was a funny song with great horns and guitar!! LOL
@administrator said in Great Idea!:
Currently, I'm the only moderator and I don't read enough posts to catch much of anything.
There's really nothing going on. This is an exceptionally good group of members and self moderation seems to be the norm!
Is there a "like" button? Man, I need some "reppies", 120 seconds is a long time when the mind is flowing!
Grandpa 2.0 now! Have one of each! It's awesome!
@administrator said in Notre-Dame de Paris:
@Pinstriper said in Notre-Dame de Paris:
@administrator said in Notre-Dame de Paris:
Notre-Dame de Paris...brought to you by Microsoft.
I was thinking Uber, or maybe something more temporal.
Uber welcomes you to Amazon Prime Notre Dame Cathedral presented by Guardians Of The Galaxy III. You're in good hands.
Ugh...goodness gracious. There is a NBA arena in a city near where I live, and its name has changed 3 or 4 times in recent history. It loses sponsors, they change their names, etc. I'm really not sure if our founding fathers intended capitalism to become the hyper-corporatism is has turned into.
It's just advertising. I like NASCAR. Sometimes it's a great way to cure insomnia!! Winners used to just say, "The car ran really good today and the crew did a great job". NOW, "The Lowes Dupont Bass Tracker Home Depot Minute Made Skoal Bandit Chevrolet running on Goodyear Eagle racing GT's with rubber supplied by Office Max rubber bands and changed by the Google Microsoft Apple pit crew wearing shoes from Nike ran well today"! My wife and I just laugh!
@BigDub said in pet peeves:
More then once I have scene words used incorrectly.
It really is a pane in the neck.
I know what your thinking, now.
A pane in the neck would make it easier for the doctor to see !
Love fishing. Prefer wading mountain streams with ultra light gear. White Miller maybe the best lure I've ever used. It catches everything. Nothing like landing a 3 pound trout or large mouth bass in clear mountain water only 2-3 ft deep! I did catch a 5 pound Largemouth in a muddy pond whose eye was bigger than the spoon on the lure!! Will try to find the pic on my phone and post later.
@GeorgeB said in Exercises for super fast tonguing:
There is a youtube of the arrangement we use done by The Coldstream Guards.
The video of suggested exercises you posted is actually slower in tempo than our arrangement of Bogey. I have been playing those in the Bogey march over and over but it sounds spitty and not really sharp. Thanks for you suggestion, though.
Maybe double tonguing will get it done. If this is the part you're talking about at 2:00 then ta-ka ta-ka double tongue is what I'd do. And now I remember playing this arrangement too! It can be a tongue twister for sure!
@SSmith1226 said in Anyone like fishing? (when taking a break from Trumpet, that is...):
@Tobylou8 said in Anyone like fishing? (when taking a break from Trumpet, that is...):
Love fishing. Prefer wading mountain streams with ultra light gear. White Miller maybe the best lure I've ever used. It catches everything. Nothing like landing a 3 pound trout or large mouth bass in clear mountain water only 2-3 ft deep! I did catch a 5 pound Largemouth in a muddy pond whose eye was bigger than the spoon on the lure!! Will try to find the pic on my phone and post later.
I understand completely the thrill and challenge of ultra light gear, which uses 2-6 lb test line. Everything is relative though. The tarpon above weighing around 150 lbs was caught and landed on 20 lb test ( the heavy line in the photo is the leader). It dragged us over the flats (2-3 feet deep), into the channels ( 10-15) feet deep, tried to drag us under a bridge, and the fight lasted about an hour before we could get the fish to the side of the boat for a release. I’ve been in sailfish and marlin tournaments where we were given 17 lb test line that was required to be used, and released fish at the side of the boat. I’ve also caught pacific sailfish on fly rod with 16-20 lb tippets. Everything is relative. For example the tarpon above would be the equivalent of catching a 15 pound fish on 2 lb test given equal environmental issues.
Oh, I'm not against deep sea fishing, I'm just cheap!
Oh man, I've been BUSY the last 6 weeks, really busy and haven't been able to post. Anything interesting going on? I can play my scales. Any mpc discussions??
1- LONG skinny fish
2- Short skinny fish
3- Fishing lure
@Dr-GO said in pet peeves:
@Kehaulani said in pet peeves:
@Dr-GO said in pet peeves:
So, is a Burrito a small Burro?
Or another way of asking this, is a burrito a tight ass [smaller version of a Burro]?
I ate a burrito once and must admit, had to tighten to remain socially acceptable!
It made you have taco to the potty??
I will say, I have never understood locking threads that aren't belligerent in nature. On other forums I'm on, I've found more info to add to MY post and found it locked. Why?