I'm not an expert, but it sure resembles the Conn 22b New York Symphony circa 1920s. Here's a link to the Conn Loyalist, and a sample picture from trumpet-history.com:
I'm not an expert, but it sure resembles the Conn 22b New York Symphony circa 1920s. Here's a link to the Conn Loyalist, and a sample picture from trumpet-history.com:
The site says they're in Dayton -- why not drive by and take a look:
Visit our shop and try our products at:
Visits must be scheduled in advance.
1120 East Second Street Suite 2180
Dayton, Ohio 45403
They are on the web: https://brasswindresearch.com/
And here is some commentary from TH a long time ago: https://www.trumpetherald.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=102980&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=0
@jolter said in Future survival of this forum:
@dr-go said in Future survival of this forum:
What is interesting to me is we have more and more new users but very little input from them.
Do we? Color me surprised, as I'm seeing no new posts most days, or even weeks. Is there a way to see the user count?
https://trumpetboards.com/users shows just over 12 pages, each with 50 users. I make that to be 600 users in all.
Hal kills Dave in simulation:
I disagree, Trumpetb.
If a computer does exactly what it was told to do in the code despite the fact that it isn't what the programmer wanted, that does not constitute a case of the computer acting outside of its programming. It's a case of erroneous programming.
@administrator said in Bots are getting scary:
There are a lot pitfalls with AI, but mostly, there are just a lot of unknowns. It's new territory. "Artificial Intelligence" is not actually intelligence. It's just programming. The thing I have learned about computers, being a programmer myself, is that they do EXACTLY what you tell them to do. The problem is knowing what you are actually telling them to do, that's where bugs come from. It is extremely hard to account for every possible variable that could arise, and program behavior becomes wildly unpredictable when unaccounted-for variables are thrown into the mix. This is partly why I'm not looking forward to "self-driving" cars.
Yes, they do EXACTY what you tell them to do and NOT what you WANT them to do. I remember doing the batch runs for our college computer back in the early 70s. The freshman math majors always asked why their program wouldn't run. I always asked "what did you expect it to do, based on your code.? Let's pretend you're the computer."
It's obviously immensely more complicated with modern apps and AI, but pretending to be the computer is still a good approach. And then assume that anything that could possibly go wrong probably will, and allowing for it.
Nerves of Steel - Woman stops 3.5metre croc with .22 pistol.
Absolutely amazing and deeply moving story of an Aussie woman's bravery with a tiny .22 calibre pistol yet.
They are like a mosquito bite to a big croc.
A Darwin woman, Beverly Thompson, 38, has stopped a crocodile attack using a small .22 calibre Ruger pistol.
This is a story of self-control and marksmanship by a brave, cool-headed woman with a small pistol against a fierce predator.
Here's her story in her own words:
"While walking along the edge of a lake near my house in the Zuccoli Village Estate near Darwin discussing a property settlement with my soon-to-be ex-husband, and other divorce issues, we were surprised by a huge 3.5metre crocodile which suddenly emerged from the murky water. It began charging us with its large jaws wide open. She must have been protecting her nest because she was extremely aggressive. If I had not had my little Ruger .22 calibre pistol with me, I wouldn't be here today!" said Beverly.
“Just one shot to my estranged husband's kneecap was all it took. The croc got him easily, and I was able to escape by just walking away at a brisk pace. The amount I saved in lawyer's fees was really incredible, and his life insurance was also a big bonus!”
If you view it on YouTube, you'll see it.
(Click on the word YouTube at the bottom right of the window).
Thanks, Dave, for posting this warmup routine. I've found it very valuable in several ways. It took me a few tries to figure out how to play it, and more to play it reasonably well. It's a nice little workout--even a routine you can run through when there's no real practice time.
Being a rank amateur, I should probably pick a horn and a mouthpiece and stick with it, but I love cycling through the horns in my signature. It used to take me a while to make the switch, but this exercise works as a "reset" for me. Even going to the baritone is easier.
I also owe you thanks for a post you made quite a while ago over on the oTHer site. You quoted a discussion about using a 3x5 card to determine your dominant lip. That led me to discover that I'm weird (in yet another way) in that my bottom lip is dominant. I can play a reasonable tone with a business card over my top lip, but the only thing I can get out with the bottom lip covered is a pedal tone.
What did I learn from that?
I believe I'm an upstream player with low MP placement. Moving the mouthpiece down a bit more allowed me to disable the double buzz I was getting at low C -- where my upper lip wanted to join in.
I'd always believed the accepted science that the top lip was dominant, so you should punish the lower lip when pressure was required. Doing that cut off my top range, making high C impossible other than early in the session.
The lower MP placement cleared up the tubbiness on low G and F#.
Using a bit of pressure on the top lip (in lieu of the bottom) helps with high range. Too bad my dog starts to whine when I get above high C. Otherwise, I could practice up there.
When asked for his opinion on the new US Space Force Anthem, USAF Chief of Staff General C. Q. Brown's response was “I’m sure it will grow on us.”
He was being far too kind, IMHO.
@tjcombo said in Musician Jokes:
Mother to young son "what do you want to do when you grow up?
Son - "I want to be a trumpet player mummy".
Mother - "I'm sorry darling, you can't do both"
It seems that a lot of trumpet player jokes are interchangeable with fighter pilot jokes.
Here is one of me in 1976 with my Rock Band:
That is NOT what a rock band looked like in 1976. I guess you're just playing on the name?
@dale-proctor said in Old Photo:
As for the picture, I must say, Dale, you look like a very distinguished gentleman indeed.
GeorgeI was trying to appear so…lol. That was about 40 years ago, but I’m still playing!
And looking more distinguished than ever.
@mike-ansberry said in Buying a new home audio system:
My room is 14 feet by 30 feet.
I have a 50 year old Pioneer amp that cuts out periodically on one channel. I have cleaned the switches and pots in it but it still cuts out. I ave a Shure SM81-CN and a 50 year old Shure PE5888.
I would like to keep the cost for all under $1500. Is that doable?
I had a Sansui amp/receiver from 1973 that did that. Had a pair of power transistors replaced, and that fixed it for a while, then it started up again. So I replaced it 25 years ago with a Kenwood that was reasonably priced. Saved myself the cost and ass-pain of repeated repairs. It's hard to find competent techs who still know how to work on in-circuit components.
@rowuk said in Why are so many threads just getting locked down?:
I would be happy to know what the community thinks. Maybe I am just too old and grumpy.
I think J. Jericho was on point with his comment:
"There are threads for which no new posts appear for sometimes many months at a time, but for which there is no more appropriate thread when someone adds a new post. It wouldn't make sense in these instances to start a new, identical thread when one already exists, especially when starting a new one would duplicate the title, cluttering things up, so to speak, and leave no previous context to which the new post is related."
As well, a locked thread takes up just as much space as an unlocked one, so I don't see the clutter issue.
Whether or not ROWUK is too old and grumpy is another issue; one which I will not attempt to resolve.
Protec Trumpet/Small Brass Multiple (4-Piece) Leather Mouthpiece Pouch with Zipper Closure, Model L221