@barliman2001 said in A little humour:
@j-jericho US, anyway. Could not be anywhere else.
Not even Switzerland?
Seems like they would qualify, somewhat.
@barliman2001 said in A little humour:
@j-jericho US, anyway. Could not be anywhere else.
Not even Switzerland?
Seems like they would qualify, somewhat.
Just brought this one to the client's home last night for them to see their commission in the proper setting. They were thrilled with it. Even their teen aged kids were amazed by it. I think they liked it. I was very relieved.
A blonde guy is in the shower when his wife hollers, did you find the shampoo? He says, yes, but it says “for dry hair” and mine is wet now.
Same blonde guy gets home and sees an envelope on his front door mat. It says, do not bend so he spends the next two hours trying to pick it up.
Then he was on the phone with the emergency room, shouting,HER CONTRACTIONS ARE TWO MINUTES APART, WHAT SHOULD I DO?
Voice on the other end asks, is this her first child?
I saw an ad for a radio for 1$!! But the volume was stuck on full.
I decided I can’t turn that down.
@dr-go said in A little humour:
Just found this great score to "Silent Night" Looks pretty authentic to me... I'll be rehearsing it tonight in preparation to the Holidays:
Missing some measures, though. Guess you can ad-lib the rest
This is a painting I have shown in the past, but now is going to my niece's new home waiting to be completed.
Actually it is already in her possession but not yet in its final destination!
This was the painting I sold at the recent show. I also sold one print and one couple has commissioned me to do a painting of a great stream on their property.
So, that was good. Not too shabby.
How many people will say, “there's no comparison” for one reason or another. I say it all the time…..now I am wondering how crazy is that?
Like, what’s the difference between an elephant and a loaf of bread?
Oh, I would say, there’s no comparison whatsoever.
So don’t send me to the grocery store for a loaf of bread.
Consider yourself warned.
Now there’s a case where it would have been better to close the barn door after the horses were out.
@georgeb said in Here's something I recorded:
Great work Wayne Mathisen, and all the other Waynes that worked with you in playing one of my favorite marches.
And I might add, a very ambitious project.George
Thanks, George. You can only imagine. What an unruly bunch they were. It was all I could do to keep them under control!
@georgeb said in Artist on BOARD:
It's definitely on you.
You are probably like me in that you have talent and abilities that allow you to do certain things in your life that make you happy, and the satisfaction you get from this is more important than money.
There are many things more important than money. So true.
@georgeb said in Artist on BOARD:
I don't know what your prices are, Wayne, but work similar to your caliber in this area were getting anywhere from $1,000 to $3000 and up for large pieces back in 1998. I have no idea what they are fetching today. If I was a good as you I would be charging whatever the market can bear.
This advice is coming from a guy who gave away all but one of his dozen or so watercolors...
Thanks, George.
By the way, I had a very enlightening talk with the artist who had the high prices, and one other who also had pretty hefty prices.
I asked her, ‘Then what do you think my prices should be?’
She walked around my part of the exhibit and motioned with her finger as to make a number one, then a comma in front of all my prices.
The second one said, simply, “double”.
I’m just not as gutsy as those two, and it’s on me, not them. Right?
@administrator said in Artist on BOARD:
@bigdub said in Artist on BOARD:
I participated in a very nice art show over this past weekend. There were 28 other very diverse and very good artists there in addition to me.
I was able to sell one original and one print and also set up a commission with a couple who wanted something more specific.
Two of the artists scolded me for not having high enough prices.
One had a piece ( fairly large ) for……..are you sitting down?
I actually asked her if she sells any at such a price, and she said, yes, she does!
I guess I am not that greedy. I would show you her painting, but I don’t have permission to do so and it would be a bit unethical, too.I don't think it's greedy to get paid what you're worth. If your paintings can fetch that, then that is the market value. I charge a certain amount for my time and if people don't want to pay, that's their choice.
I guess that was a poor choice of words, in fact it was. I don’t begrudge her one bit. More power to her, I say. I was just a bit taken aback by such a high price. And no one is forcing anyone to buy it, either.
I participated in a very nice art show over this past weekend. There were 28 other very diverse and very good artists there in addition to me.
I was able to sell one original and one print and also set up a commission with a couple who wanted something more specific.
Two of the artists scolded me for not having high enough prices.
One had a piece ( fairly large ) for……..are you sitting down?
I actually asked her if she sells any at such a price, and she said, yes, she does!
I guess I am not that greedy. I would show you her painting, but I don’t have permission to do so and it would be a bit unethical, too.
If you work with other people on a cattle ranch, would those people be coworkers?
There was a big commotion in the jungle. A snail had been run over by a turtle, and emergency first responders were on the scene. Nearby was a sloth watching the whole thing.
Police asked him: did you see what happened?
Yes. He finally replied.
Can you describe what happened?
Well…………I……………..don’t know……………everything……….happened……….so………..fast
I used to love the cartoon artwork of Don Martin. So much so that I bought some of his books. Here is a good example of the elaborate detail he used to draw. Hilarious, to me.