Favorite Cornet
@J-Jericho said in Favorite Cornet:
@BigDub said in Favorite Cornet:

1914 Frank Holton Revelation....I play it, but don’t own it...
Not bad at all.Looks like you got swatted by the picture police.
Roger that.
@flugelgirl ,
Thanks flugelgirl.
I'll keep checking EBay for a donor.
Larry -
Second favorite cornet in my collection. King Silvertone Long Cornet from the late 30's. And on advice from its former owner, I added a Holton Heim Model 2 mouthpiece and the planets aligned. Great for traditional jazz.
Very Nice -
Finally found that on iPad, if I resize to square the pics will upload!! 1939 King Silver Tone Master cornet, silver finish with gold accents. Love how this one plays!! All it needed was a clean, and even came with original case and case candy. -
1914 Frank Holton Revelation. Still in nice shape. Played it a couple of times, belongs to our group, Stone Hill Brass. -
@flugelgirl said in Favorite Cornet:
Finally found that on iPad, if I resize to square the pics will upload!! 1939 King Silver Tone Master cornet, silver finish with gold accents. Love how this one plays!! All it needed was a clean, and even came with original case and case candy.That is BEAUTIFUL cornet. I looked at a '37 once but the owner would never give me a price. It had more brass, but the engraving was the same.
On page 1 of this thread, there is a Besson with the name Carl Fisher engraved on it. What is the meaning? Is there a link between that and a Senator Carl Fisher trumpet? I would think not, as the later seems to be a student horn. Not a lot about this on Google.
I absolutely love SilverTone cornets and trumpets. The art deco on a Sterling Silver bell...so timelessly beautiful.
Very nice. I have a King Master coming on Fri. Can't wait to play it. -
@administrator We have an absolutely gorgeous Silver Tone Artist Bore trumpet at the shop right now that plays even better than it looks, just to tempt you!
As a beginner, this is my "favorite cornet". I suppose if I continue playing, there may possibly be others .
I suppose the stuck mouth piece is a small shank but it plays.
@Doodlin It’s probably a long shank cornet mouthpiece. Some Ambassador cornets take a very specific shank - anything else will go in pretty far. I’m trying to find one of those that isn’t too beat up or too small for me to play on just for play testing purposes, since I have had so many Olds cornets with that receiver on my bench. I would suggest taking it to your local shop - they will probably pull it for free and suggest a chem clean. Any horn with a stuck mouthpiece most certainly needs a chem clean - you don’t want to know what will probably come out of that leadpipe....
@flugelgirl said in Favorite Cornet:
@Doodlin It’s probably a long shank cornet mouthpiece. Some Ambassador cornets take a very specific shank - anything else will go in pretty far. I’m trying to find one of those that isn’t too beat up or too small for me to play on just for play testing purposes, since I have had so many Olds cornets with that receiver on my bench. I would suggest taking it to your local shop - they will probably pull it for free and suggest a chem clean. Any horn with a stuck mouthpiece most certainly needs a chem clean - you don’t want to know what will probably come out of that leadpipe....
That’s why my cat is always sleeping on my trumpet case (see my avatar)! You never know...
I would like it duly noted it WAS NOT ME that brought up rats this time;) But i still highly recommend Rat Zappers.
Thats a sweet LA Olds ! I have had several of those over the last several years, but somebody always wanted them more than myself. Still have one, and a few later Fullerton models. Friday i should be getting my newest favorite cornet. A Buescher 400, bought on GW for about 125, freight and all. Looked like a little used closet queen. I hope so, those are the best!
Let me know how that 400 is!
Are Ambassadors overrated? Probably, but I really like 'em! Build quality is unbelievable.
Looks like the Studio may be a copy of the King Master.