Congratulations I had two surgeries and a tooth infection that resulted in a lower partial. I still work on it each day. I found posting youtube vids helped me a little. I had something to work toward. I find I must use a very slight mouthpiece placement change.
Posts made by oldpete
RE: I'm back... Now with 100% full dentures and a long road of recovery
RE: Taps Across America
I'll sound Taps on our courthouse lawn by the vet monuments. Last year it from our front porch.
RE: HELP! Corona has struck...
Use "Corrosion Cracker". I watched a tech use it to loosen a stuck slide on my Schilke and have kept some around ever since.
RE: Alan Rubin's Trumpet
I can see two finger rings around the third valve side. It may just be the photo angle, but the valve bloc looks positioned more to the back than usual.
RE: Differences between grades of instruments
I recall when beginner instruments had no first valve thumb saddle, and the third valve slide always had an adjustable throw ring that could be removed for a lyre.
RE: Played high school trumpet
@dr-go said in Played high school trumpet:
What I most loved about high school band... is dating clarinet players. That's what REALLY developed my embouchure.
Yeah. I married one
RE: I found my way back... Sorry, it's been so long!
I practice some each day and made short videos of me Christmas carol playing around town and on friends' lawns. I also visited some historical sites/cemeteries and played hymns. I'll continue that soon. It has been good to put myself under a bit of performance pressure because I am still recovering from surgery and a dental procedure.
RE: appearances vs practice
Been playing a few hours?? Buzz the mouthpiece five minutes on the easiest pitch for you, take a break, do it again. Take a break then play a few long tones on low C and D. Stay relaxed. Add low B and Bb or Eb when you feel like it. Repeat that everyday for a few days. Do a couple of sessions per day.
RE: Personality and Taste in Classical Music
I have developed the quadrangle so we can give up the triangle and still enjoy the 'ding'.
RE: Personality and Taste in Classical Music
HA! Choleric for me. I've never had cholera in my life
RE: A Minor Miracle
It has removed the smell of musicians who formerly played on it!!!
RE: Opinions on Valve Oils?
I use: Al Cass, Blue Juice...I used straight kerosene while in college. Dad had a service station with a kerosene pump.
RE: The Incredible Trumpet Virtuosity of Timofei Dokshizer HD
Very enjoyable! I had not seen those pictures of his younger days. Thanks
RE: Julian Zimmermann has started a new series on the history of the trumpet
Dr. Downing, 26th NC Regt. Band, sent me several of that group's recordings several years ago. I discovered "Butcher's and Drover's March" in a museum here in Arkansas and provided it to him. The band's arranger produced a band arrangement from the piano score and the 6th performed it. The march was from 1860's Philadelphia and composed by the first black band leader in the city. I believe his name was Johnson. I ran the Ark. 5th Regt. Band for a few years. We played in 4 states and performed for the national SCV convention. Never could afford replica instruments, but the Robb Stewart horns looked great.
RE: Ed Tarr, RIP
@Bob-Pixley Sad, sad news. His recording of the Hummel is the one I prefer.
RE: Detroit Symphony DSO Replay is free for a while
That "Russian Sailor's Dance" in the encores section was very fine