Boorish Band Behavior
Last night’s community band rehearsal offered plenty of entertainment, along with the normal satisfaction that comes from making music. We were well into a challenging piece when a generously proportioned lady woodwind player came into the hall late. Instead of waiting patiently until the MD paused or until we were finished with the piece, this beauty plowed immediately toward her seat in an interior row. In so doing she took out the entire group of third trumpets while we were playing a prominent part! Stands were knocked askew, pencils were flying and music was headed toward the floor, and she scarcely acknowledged the wreckage she had wrought! Ironically, she was thwarted in reaching her objective and had to take an interim seat anyway. Incredulously, we third trumpeters picked up the pieces and tried to resume.
@Comeback I always knew there was virtue in sitting in the third chair.
@Comeback said in Boorish Band Behavior:
...Incredulously, we third trumpeters picked up the pieces and tried to resume.
Nice choice in come back songs by the third trumpet section:
Kehaulani Credentialed Professional last edited by Kehaulani Feb 22, 2020, 11:10 PM Feb 20, 2020, 3:01 AM
If it bothers you, I would take it up with the conductor or band president.
@Kehaulani said in Boorish Band Behavior:
I{f it bothers you, take it up with the conductor or band president.
And FWIW, I feel the sexist description and comments uncalled for and tasteless.No problem. No offense intended.
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@Kehaulani said in Boorish Band Behavior:
I{f it bothers you, take it up with the conductor or band president.
And FWIW, I feel the sexist description and comments uncalled for and tasteless.I can see no sexist description - rather a polite euphemism in describing the culprit not as a "fat woman" but as a "generously proportioned lady".
Kehaulani Credentialed Professional last edited by Kehaulani Feb 21, 2020, 5:30 PM Feb 21, 2020, 5:29 PM
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@Kehaulani said in Boorish Band Behavior:
@barliman2001 said in Boorish Band Behavior:
I can see no sexist description - rather a polite euphemism in describing the culprit not as a "fat woman" but as a "generously proportioned lady".
And referring to her breast size?
Careful! This comment can demonstrate that sexism is in the mind of the beholder.
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@Kehaulani said in Boorish Band Behavior:
@Dr-GO How condescending. And FWIW, nothing moved.
No. Not condescending at all. Just a factual observation. Others are interpreting things differently then you, and you admit yourself you are in a down mood. So please step back and take a few breaths. Let's not take this thread to a negative spiral that so many others have gone based on one persons opinion.
For what it is worth to the OP, I thought the original post that was deleted was appropriate and did not at all read sexism into it. Let's lighten up people.
By the way Kahaulani, glad the ball did not move for you. You are healing.
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This is getting silly. I restored my OP so any interested parties can parse my words and phrases and determine for themselves if I have committed some sort of villainy.
The post was intended to be a humorous but factual observation - a gentle telling of the way it was. That is all. It may be time for me to take a break from TB. My best efforts to conform to 21st century social mores may be insufficient for a Internet forum.
Back to the topic at hand, in all the ensembles I directed or played in (with a rare exception here or there), the normal rehearsal etiquette has always been to wait until there was an obvious pause in the music or rehearsal before being seated. If it's a problem, I would take it up with either the Musical Director or the musician directly, depending on theirs and/or your position.
@Comeback Glad you reposted; I had not seen what you wrote before it was deleted. It's a gently humorous anecdote describing the incident perfectly. The best response to Political Correctness is to ignore it and its pettiness.
Like I said, "Back to the topic at hand".
I don't see any sexism, and even squinting real hard I can't find the breast reference. I DO see an attempt to avoid calling the fat lady a fat lady.
FWIW as a fat man, I think fat people need to be very mindful of the space they try to squeeze through, to avoid bumping into things and people.
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Kehaulani Credentialed Professional last edited by Kehaulani Feb 22, 2020, 7:49 PM Feb 22, 2020, 4:36 PM
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