A little humour
There are three things I will never, ever forget……………………………………..
there are two things I will never, ever forget.
Was I saying something?
@dr-go said in A little humour:
@bigdub said in A little humour:
Was I saying something?
Who are you?
Right. Who are you? That was it.
- topic:timeago_later,8 days
Two trumpet players, in a nicely lit-up state, talking about their fears...
Player 1: "I've got that constant fear of death."
Player 2: "Don't we all; what's so special about yours?"
Player 1: "That my wife, after I'm gone, will sell all the trumpets for the price I told her I paid..." - topic:timeago_later,12 days
When Mozart passed away, he was buried in a churchyard. A couple days later, the town drunk was walking through the cemetery and heard some strange noise coming from the area where Mozart was buried. Terrified, the drunk ran and got the priest to come and listen to it.
The priest bent close to the grave and heard some faint, unrecognizable music coming from the grave. Frightened, the priest ran and got the town magistrate.
When the magistrate arrived, he bent his ear to the grave, listened for a moment, and said, “Ah, yes, that’s Mozart’s Ninth Symphony, being played backwards.” He listened a while longer, and said, “There’s the Eighth Symphony, and it’s backwards, too. Most puzzling.” So the magistrate kept listening. By that time more towns folk came to the grave to hear the strange sounds.
“There’s the Seventh… the Sixth… the Fifth…” Suddenly the realization of what was happening dawned on the magistrate; he stood up and announced to the crowd that had gathered in the cemetery, “My fellow citizens, there’s nothing to worry about. It’s just Mozart decomposing.” -
@tjcombo Why should it?
The patient in the hospital listened in as his roommate was asked by the crotchety nurse what he wanted for breakfast.
I'd like a glass of orange juice, and could you please just empty a used specimen cup and pour the orange juice in there? I want a little essence of that mixed in.
Then, also, could I have two fried eggs, leave them in the pan about 3 seconds per side, 4 at the most. And use crisco, not butter, or even motor oil would be fine. And two slices of bacon, rare, maybe even raw, if you can. Also, a cup of coffee, from a week ago would be great. I think that is all.
The crotchety nurse practically spits, “we can’t possibly make such a meal for one of our patients! Are you crazy?”Not at all, nurse. That’s exactly what was served to me yesterday.
Our hospital serves bedpan omelets... or as an alternative option, eggs over sleazy.
I can only laud Dutch hospitals... they have discarded the Central Kitchen idea and have installed a working kitchen, manned 24/7, for every ward... when I was down in a small-town hospital last year with severe septicaemia, the nurses on my ward found out that it was my birthday that day, so they persuaded the ward chef to prepare a special dinner for me... roast chicken fillets with a nice rich gravy, roast potatoes and vegetable skewers, with a crisp salad... and as a dessert, all the staff - eight people! - escorted an enormous ice cream creation with fresh fruit, and sang Happy Birthday for me... they really made me feel at home there. Thank you.
By comparison, the English hospital I fled from the week before served cold porridge for every breakfast, followed fifteen minutes later by cold tea and, another fifteen minutes later, some cold burnt toast... -
@barliman2001 said in A little humour:
I can only laud Dutch hospitals... they have discarded the Central Kitchen idea and have installed a working kitchen, manned 24/7, for every ward... when I was down in a small-town hospital last year with severe septicaemia, the nurses on my ward found out that it was my birthday that day, so they persuaded the ward chef to prepare a special dinner for me... roast chicken fillets with a nice rich gravy, roast potatoes and vegetable skewers, with a crisp salad... and as a dessert, all the staff - eight people! - escorted an enormous ice cream creation with fresh fruit, and sang Happy Birthday for me... they really made me feel at home there. Thank you.
By comparison, the English hospital I fled from the week before served cold porridge for every breakfast, followed fifteen minutes later by cold tea and, another fifteen minutes later, some cold burnt toast...At least there was some kind of a theme.
Incidentally, by the way, I am extremely easy to please when it comes to food, and I rarely complain. Somehow I still recognize great food as well.. makes no sense, right? -
Two friends were looking at a satellite image of Crater Lake National Park. One of them said a meteor made the lake.
The other one said, looking closer at the image, whew! That was close!
It barely missed the Headquarters and visitor center! -
A tenor wanted to test the veracity of opera arias... so one night, he stood in the courtyard of his apartment complex and blasted out "Nessun Dorma". And it was true - no one did sleep!