glad there's no fighting here
@moshe said in glad there's no fighting here:
Your title is "global moderator"?
Even the President of the United States
is not responsible for the entire globe.Or is "globe" a euphemism for testicles
and you just tell men to turn their heads and cough?Morris / moshe
Hey, I just did three of those exams today! Pays good money. Perhaps I can send the proceeds to our administrator!
Once had a patient that asked me when I was doing the exam how much it was going to cost while I was grabbing his jewels. I told him $50. Then there was a long pause as I held them in my hands, and then I stated... and $100 do get them back!
Cheaper with deer. Two under a buck.
@Vulgano-Brother said in glad there's no fighting here:
Cheaper with deer. Two under a buck.
I read that,
thought I understood it,
but didn't get the pun until I read it again 10 minutes later
Morris / moshe
"This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience"
I'd get an even better experience if you switched to chocolate pudding...
Morris / moshe
@administrator said in glad there's no fighting here:
We are almost to 200 users. I suspect when we get the 40k+ that TH has, we might see a few more issues. Nevertheless, I already have an edge on them simply because I use software newer than 2005.
The thing with message boards is that advertised membership totals always go up but actual users are a whole different thing. Spam posters, people who register under different names, people who post a few times and leave, etc., make up that number. I have a couple of sites with lots of registered users and I know besides the many that haven't posted nor visited in years there are more than a few that are beyond visiting because they are dead.
When I see a post on a message board site of any nature saying how happy everyone is here and how friendly and how pleasant everyone is and how swell the management is...and it is echoed by following posters while throwing brickbats at another site or sites as the string goes along it makes me cringe. It reflects the old bad closed group that eats new comers pattern that condemns a site to death ahead of time. It's bad karma to say such things or feel such things.
Well, I never stated those things. I am trying to find newcomers. I took out some ads on Facebook. Not sure if they are working yet.
Did the young man from Delaware that also had an interesting watch collection come over from TM?
@administrator said in glad there's no fighting here:
Well, I never stated those things. I am trying to find newcomers. I took out some ads on Facebook. Not sure if they are working yet.
Haven't seen any.
@Curlydoc said in glad there's no fighting here:
Did the young man from Delaware that also had an interesting watch collection come over from TM?
Yes. But he hasn't posted recently.
I like trumpetboards a lot more than TH (or what was TM). I took the some time off from various boards, Facebook, etc... and have returned to a really nice, friendly, forum!