Fantastic documentary on horn making
Very fascinating!
Fascinating indeed.
George -
Rick is the best! If you haven't taken the opportunity to attend his trumpet making workshop, do it as soon as possible! I have a feeling these instructors (Rick Seraphinhoff and Bob Barkley) may may be approaching retirement age.
I attended in Rostock 2018 and it really is a memory I'll keep for life. The empowerment you feel once you realize that instrument making is actually approachable and something you can pick up, to some extent, in one intense week.
You get to do exactly this exercise in the workshop -- shaping a leadpipe, hammering it together, silver soldering, burnishing, polishing, etc. But of course, you also get to make a bell (hammering, anvils, noise, mandrel, more burnishing, more hammering, more noise...), you get to shrink and expand tubing, to solder using silver and tin, bend tubes in Cerrobend (not as cool as pitch but a bit easier to handle), make a scraped finish, fit it together, pick out a period mouthpiece and play a concert together. Best of all, you walk home with a well-playing replica of a 1635 natural trumpet that you engraved your own name into, that you can leave to your grandchildren.
If you can't spare a week of your life, the course compendium is not a bad read either: