Many Foreign Language New Members? Why?
Many foreign language new members. Appears they are trying to sell products. What's going on?
I'm not computer-savvy enough to know what the underlying harm might be from these intrusions, but this bears further investigation.
It appears that this started about a year ago. In checking, I noticed something else. It looks like there are many "members" who have zero posts. Should there be a requirement to post within a specified period pf time? Otherwise, what is the benefit of becoming a member in the first place? If you're not going to post, why join? Are these zero post "members" even legit?
@j-jericho Quite a few of these posts have pre-dated joining times (can be done if you manipulate the server TB is on. If these spam entries would have been on the system on the date they show, I would have found them previously). I am quite certain that the administrator has been hacked, and that someone else is using his system to get spam across.