Just shot this video showing some of my own personal collection of early Schilke Mouthpieces. While most people are likely familiar with the 6A4a and 14A4a type numbering system - most would perhaps not know of the earlier alphabet style pieces, and the even earlier Lewelynn Personal Model mouthpieces made by Schilke.
Grab yourself your favorite beverage as this is one of the longer ones...........

Best posts made by Zman
Early Schilke Mouthpieces
Martin Band Instruments (Non-Committee) Club
There are quite a few great Martin Instruments which are not Committee instruments.
I propose a separate thread to discuss these instruments here.Some examples:
- Martin Handcraft Imperials
- Martin Handcraft Standards
- Martin Imperials
- Martin Indiana's
Happy to answer any questions also.......
RE: Favorite Cornet
This is the one I am playing the most. It's a 60's Large Bore Magna model. -
RE: Is this the World's Brightest Trumpet?
I had to give this a go on one of my older horns also.
If noise control arrives later to shut me down I'm blaming Trent........ -
RE: Martin Band Instruments (Non-Committee) Club
Hi everyone. I wasn;t sure whether to post this in the Committee Thread - or this one as it could have sat in either. Anyhow - I just made live my Martin Database (more of a visual database) - but it contains the collected information and photographs from many horns I have has/have over the past 10 years as well as some marketing materials, specs etc.
I would encourage you to check it out and let me know what you think. -
RE: Vintage Horn Eye Candy
Oh, I'll play......just got a few back from restoration/repairs.
Here's a pretty rare Martin Handcraft Troubadour Cornet complete with the original warranty card and receipt from Sept 1930. -
RE: Favorite Cornet
@tjcombo said in Favorite Cornet:
My favourite cornet today is this sweet old Martin Indiana which "saved my life".
My band had two slots -Sunday and Monday of a holiday weekend at a jazz festival an hour and a half drive from home. I normally stay for the whole weekend, but family matters prevented this. I arrived an hour before our slot, opened the hatch of my car to see no trumpet. Don't like leaving horns in a car.
Most of the bands with brass players had played on the previous days and had left town. Was walking from the car in my stupid purple suit when someone on the way to their gig said "great suit". I told him that I should've spent more time packing my instrument than dressing up. His keyboardist, a local, rocked up and said "I have an old trumpet upstairs". He returned with this baby.
It performed almost flawlessly. The first valve was sticking during a solo in Dm - fortunately you can hold down 1st and still make fair riff in Dm. No valve oil, so I had to make do with a bit of old school saliva on the valves
Those little guys are pretty under-rated in my opinion. (I dedicated a whole video to it)
I have several examples (a couple spare if anyone is looking too).
RE: Martin Committee Club
It just feels weird to have a Committee thread without a picture - so here you go
RE: Martin Committee Club
Just going to put this out there as it seems an appropriate thread to do so - but if anyone would like any help with Martin horns feel free to drop me a PM or hit me up on the contact page via my website
I've had 3-4 people this week take advantage of this. There is no charge for me taking a look at your horns etc. and telling you what you have. (There have been some real interesting horns turn up already since I launched my Martin Database)
In addition - I've had several people contact me wanting to sell horns, or find buyers. Send me your wish list(s)
(If it's a Large Bore Handcraft Committee you'll need to get in a long line and have minimum 5 digits top drop on one).To keep things on theme - here's a shot of my personal Deluxe Committee C Trumpet
RE: Martin Band Instruments (Non-Committee) Club
Oh, if anyone is interested - I started a bit of a YouTube channel to highlight some of the less known Martin Horns (and others vintage horns I have access too of course).
(Still working on getting the sound recordings right - but it's a start)
You can check all the videos out here:
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZk1sIuyVsQzrbsl7HfIfKw -
RE: Martin Committee Club
To keep this thread going I present to you the rather scarce Martin Handcraft Committee Cornet.
It's interesting in that the design configuration really didn't change much at all from the Handcraft Imperial from a few years earlier. They basically changed the trim kit, recycled an earlier finger ring, put on a new LP to Bell brace and Mpc receiver and called it a day.
Unfortunately no longer in my collection - but in safe hands of another collector.
RE: Early Schilke Mouthpieces
@JorgePD Thanks for checking out the video. I swear I will do more soon. I've been a bit pre-occupied lately with a Band Competition and a new work.
RE: Buy your horns here, not there!
@administrator said in Buy your horns here, not there!:
I, myself, have been tempted to start a "buy low, sell high" horn company. I doubt there is much profit to be had, though.
The learning curve is steep and the road is long.
There are no quick dollars to be had doing this, and it takes time to build credibility with customers and suppliers.
(It's even worse if you are outside the US as shipping items around adds to costs)I only keep doing it as I love it and get to connect with like-minded people.
RE: Martin Band Instruments (Non-Committee) Club
Here's a video I just posted on the Martin Handcraft Standard (US Forces Model) Bb Trumpet.
Collectors etc might also be interested to hear me name the Martin Band Instrument Company Executive Team in the video also (I have these from an official document which is also shown)
RE: Does a large bore horn take more air?
@Dr-GO said in Does a large bore horn take more air?:
Here as a large bore Harrelson Summit compared to a Martin Committee (not sure bore size used in this comparison) Hard to tell the difference.
This has been my experience in playing my Summit. My large bore Harrelson so close to my Medium bore Committee and with the Harmon mute in... they are scary identical! The Harrelson plays SO MUCH easier than the Committee.... almost effortlessly, especially when going above the D above staff. And you can play so quietly to double high C with amazing control and little effort. While I can do a similar range with the Committee on my Kanstul G2 mouthpiece, it does take a lot more concentration to do the same work once above the D above staff.
The Harrelson was a ML.460 bore , LP 1 and Bell 7. It was setup with that sound profile in mind. The Committee is a 46 Medium(Step) bore.
Wow, that was seven years ago aleady. I have neither horn these days. I finished playing around with the Harrelson and am now mostly Martin. (I have one Taylor Chicago).
RE: Martin Band Instruments (Non-Committee) Club
Up to Episode #8 of the Horn Introduction series and this one is pretty special. It's literally the most expensive horn I have ever purchased. (Probably still cheaper than one of the new Artist Series horns though
The video features the rare Martin Handcraft Imperial Large Bore (#3) from the 38-39 era with an M bell and all the extras.
RE: Another hunk of metal goes for too much on the good 'ol SGW!
Hold up - it's Serial #47. That's gotta be it....right??
RE: Schilke Club?
Has anyone every tried the Sterling Silver Bells?
I picked up a B1 Sterling silver bell in a trade recently and wondering what kind of sound profile I might expect?
(This will be going on a Heritage horn project in the coming month(s)