And I take this as a chance for a rebirth. gmonady is now Dr GO.

Best posts made by Dr GO
RE: RIP Trumpet "Master"
RE: No real gains on anything more than 40-45 minutes of practice.
Prior to my retirement from my professorial gig at the medical school this past December, I taught muscle physiology in the first year medical student curriculum. We are at the mercy to the laws of physiology of muscle fiber development. So it takes about 2-6 weeks for muscle to adapt to new stress without damaging fibers. At the end of that 2-6 week span, one can add another 20% duration to the work out. So if 45 minutes is all you can do at this point, continue for several weeks at 45 minutes, than in that new week add 45 x 0.20 or about 10 minutes to the next week (55 minutes) and stay with that for another several weeks. Then advance another 20%. Keep doing this at these intervals until you reach your goal.
Let fatigue be your friend. When you loose control or start leaking air, step away from the horn for the day and start back at it tomorrow.
Let me know how this works out.
RE: Mid Performance Emergency Sub
I was walking by a brown stone in New York and heard jazz streaming from a window. Door was open so I went in to find a band playing in an open loft. Asked if I could listen to which a band member replied sure then asked if I played. Said yes, was a trumpet player. They asked if I had my horn with me and told them in the building down the block. They asked me to get it and sit in as their second trumpet would not be there. I did. Turned out it was the 9 lives jazz ensemble, Mingus's band just after he passed. Wound up being bands sub and this launched my music career in NYC.
RE: A little humour
AND to the Chemists out there:
The Ether Bunny -
RE: Laughter is the Best Medicine
A mechanic was removing a cylinder head from the motor of a Harley when a heart surgeon walked into his shop. As the surgeon was waiting for the service manager to look at his bike, the mechanic called to him: "Hey Doc, can I ask you a question?" The surgeon, a bit surprised, walked over to the mechanic working on the motorcycle.
The mechanic wiped his hands on a rag and asked, "Doc, look at this engine. Like you, I can open it up, take valves out, fix 'em, put in new parts and when I finish this will work just like a new one. So why do I earn a pittance and you get the really big money, when we are doing basically the same work?"
The surgeon smiled, leaned over, and whispered to the mechanic: “Try doing it while the engine is still running.”
New Categories
I recommend that the Web Designer open up a Category Titled: Good Medicine for Musicians
RE: Is Air Needed To Play The Trumpet
@barliman2001 said in Is Air Needed To Play The Trumpet:
Ok, if there is no need to lock it, I won't. Just wanted to test the general feeling.
Very good, now we can all breathe a little easier. Total thumb's up barliman
RE: Flugel Thread
My beloved flugelhorn the Kanstul 1526 (4 valve version)
AND a video of me playing the horn with one of the medical students I had the pleasure of teaching as a Professor of Internal Medicine and Pediatrics at the Boonshoft School of Medicine at Wright State University: -
It all boils down to the saying: You practice not until you get it right, but until you cannot get it wrong. That is what it takes to become an expert.
RE: Flugel Thread
Now for my Getzen Eterna. Here is a pic of that horn and a recording from the Eddie Brookshire Quintet recording of "Surrendered Life" in which I am playing the solo on that cut with this horn.