fels had asked “How to cope?” In his OP. Kehaulani reminded me of this in his reply.
I had written about my personal skill-related frustrations. I cope with these simply by plugging away with practice tailored to address my shortcomings, which we all know is a process affording little instant gratification.
I had also written about tribal-knowledge related organizational frustration. I cope with this by engaging veteran fellow bandsmen in conversation and listening closely.
Our rehearsal last night was a reading session for our holiday concert. I came to rehearsal prepared with a common complement of mutes (straight, cup, Harmon, plunger), all of which, except for the plunger, were called for in our music. I was the only third trumpet so equipped. I suppose this could have been a point of frustration, but it didn’t end up being so. I have lots of mutes. I plan to take my extras to next week’s rehearsal and loan them to my fellow third trumpets who might need them. Now, if I could only figure out how to tell the pleasant chap whose trumpet is missing its third slide finger ring why restoring that ring is so important, especially for a third trumpet player!