A little humour
@tjcombo A blonde clarinet player friend of mine has been badgering me for days to get instructions as to how to properly fold a cardboard box for her imminent relocation... She sent photographs of the unfolded boxes... I sent descriptions, I drew diagrams into her pics, it went back and forth about fifteen times for three days... then, silence. Oh, she's finally grasped it. Yesterday, she sent me a message - "I've now managed to fold and fill the first box. Should I tape it shut?"
When I posted this story on FB, in the "Trumpets, Trumpeters, Trumpeting" group, it was deleted as "not according to the gravity of trumpet playing..."
I left that group because a group that does not understand a joke (especially one that has been happening in the real world) is not for me. -
Got this Video from our Band's performance last night:
Last night was a blast. ..."If you can't find a partner use a wooden chair." Lacking a wooden chair one of our fans improvised with the Milton Club's:
My Reply: This just isn't right! That server's cart looks like solid wood to me, and as we ALL know, it takes two-ply to tango! Yes?
Checking whether trumpet valves are tight is pure, unbridled pop-ulism.
@dr-go said in A little humour:
Just found this great score to "Silent Night" Looks pretty authentic to me... I'll be rehearsing it tonight in preparation to the Holidays:
Missing some measures, though. Guess you can ad-lib the rest
The grandfather of one of my wife's coworkers decades ago was a man of considerable means who didn't mind investing in new businesses if they looked promising. John Pemberton came to him to ask for help financing his beverage venture, and the man asked to taste the stuff. Pemberton obliged by giving him a sample, after which he took a sip, spat it out, and said: "This stuff tastes terrible! It'll never sell!"
I saw an ad for a radio for 1$!! But the volume was stuck on full.
I decided I can’t turn that down.
@bigdub said in A little humour:
I saw an ad for a radio for 1$!! But the volume was stuck on full.
I decided I can’t turn that down.
Sold by a high volume dealer, no doubt.
- topic:timeago_later,8 days
A creative way in singing those high notes:
A blonde guy is in the shower when his wife hollers, did you find the shampoo? He says, yes, but it says “for dry hair” and mine is wet now.
Same blonde guy gets home and sees an envelope on his front door mat. It says, do not bend so he spends the next two hours trying to pick it up.
Then he was on the phone with the emergency room, shouting,HER CONTRACTIONS ARE TWO MINUTES APART, WHAT SHOULD I DO?
Voice on the other end asks, is this her first child?
@j-jericho Texas?