Threads in reverse order?
Would you consider posting threads in reverse chronological order? As it is now, the newest thread goes at the end of a list, resulting in one's going to page three, for example, to read the most current thread.
I can see the eventual situation where one has to scroll over several pages of threads before reaching the end instead of going directly to the latest.
If you use the "Recent" icon at the top of the page, the most recent posts are shown with the newest on top. If you use the "Unread" icon, you will see the newest on top. [Ooops, that's optional -- see the added comment at the end] In either case, you can select the most recent post of a thread by clicking on the link at the right margin.If you access the main menu and go to a topic, you have the ability to sort the threads either way:
Actually, the order shown in the Results and Unread is an option as well. I hadn't noticed.
Got it, Shifty. Thanks!