Not as bad as it looks. Its corrosion, transferred from the case. Be a sweet raw brass conversion.
Was the inside clean still?
The whole cornet looked like it had been submerged in a vat of machine oil, The corks and felts were ruined. The inside of the horn wasn't too bad, though, and I managed to get all the slides out.
- 3 months later
$25 bucks!?!?
You got a sweet deal on that horn...even after the restoration costs you might have had!
Must have come in an Olds case for them to call it an Olds. My best buy on ebay was a story like that.
My best buy ever was a Besson International Cornet which I watched being put into a garbage bin... pulled it out, asked the guy whether I could have it. He said, You're welcome to it, and I walked off. Had it restored for a mere 75 Deutschmarks (now approx. € 30) and have been playing it ever since. Last time someone offered to buy it I was tempted with three thousand dollars... and declined. You don't sell a good cornet.
$25 bucks!?!?
You got a sweet deal on that horn...even after the restoration costs you might have had!
I cleaned it, removed the remaining lacquer, and polished it myself, so the "restoration" cost as pictured was $0...lol.
I later had it professionally restored (valves were in great shape), played it a few years, and sold it at a nice profit after buying a like-new Conn 9A Victor. I still have the 9A, and will probably never sell it.
My best buy off of Ebay was freak thing. Somebody had a trumpet listed as a Bundy trumpet. I just glanced at the photo and knew right away it wasn't a Bundy anything by the first valve trigger. I got to looking at it and could see it was a Conn Constellation. The starting bid was about $50. Since I wasn't interested in stealing it I sent the seller a message and told them it wasn't a Bundy, even thought case that came with it had Bundy on it. I told them what it was and they should adjust their listing. The seller said thanks and didn't change anything. I put in a bid and the winning bid....mine.... turned out to cost me $79 including the shipping. All that was really wrong with it was that it needed a spring on the trigger and a local music store did it for next to nothing.
Nice playing 28B.
Niner, do you keep these horns as a hobby or resale them? Looks good whichever the case.
@Kehaulani I will sell one once in a while but am not in the horn flipping business.
Kehaulani Credentialed Professional last edited by Kehaulani Oct 10, 2019, 9:57 PM Oct 10, 2019, 9:56 PM
@Niner - Well, they look nice and you must've put a lot of work into them. You've got more horn-patience than, LOL I.