🎺 Trumpet Toolkit for Teaching and Learning 🎶
Hey Trumpet Crew! Check out our cool toolkit for trumpeters – it's got everything you need to up your game. We've got a slick chart with sounds, alternate fingerings, and scales for your practice grind. Plus, a metronome, virtual trumpet, and even a switch between Concert and Written Pitch.
Cool Features:
Fingering Chart
Alternate Fingerings
Notes Quiz
12 Major & 12 Minor Scales
Sheet Music
Chromatic Tuner
Virtual Trumpet
Switch Pitch
Note Naming Options
Dark/Light Theme
Dive in, quiz yourself, and let's make some virtual trumpet magic!
This app is free to use and can be accessed via the following platforms:
trumpet fingering chart web
trumpet fingering chart android
trumpet fingering chart ios -
To Healthy Smile:
Virtual Trumpet. This could be an intriguing feature. Does this enable you to plug in an actual mouthpiece through a USB port and then play a trumpet feature on your site?
Going on a Disney Cruise in September and they do not allow musical instruments on the ship. They do allow lap tops. So if you have this feature, man am I sold. If you don't have this feature, could it possible be created... by September?
@Dr-GO The whole idea of a virtual trumpet with a USB port for a real mouthpiece sounds pretty cool! Just so you know, the app doesn't have that feature right now. But diving deeper into it could be interesting - it seems like a unique concept that needs a bit of checking out.
@Healthy-Smile said in
Trumpet Toolkit for Teaching and Learning
@Dr-GO The whole idea of a virtual trumpet with a USB port for a real mouthpiece sounds pretty cool! Just so you know, the app doesn't have that feature right now. But diving deeper into it could be interesting - it seems like a unique concept that needs a bit of checking out.
Again, can we get this feature by September?
Sadly there may still be problems with a mouthpiece and nothing more even if it is totally silent.
Is a mouthpiece a musical instrument, is a drum a musical instrument. Is a plastic pipe that can be used as a digeridoo an instrument, is the human voice a musical instrument. All of these are musical instruments.
I have been told while being escorted and ejected by security staff from a public place that members of the public are not allowed music, nor are they allowed to sing to themselves, nor are they allowed to even hum to themselves in a public place without being prosecuted. This is the level of stupidity that Disney are displaying.
I have busked a mouthpiece and nothing else around the streets of the city and made money from it I have had dozens of people dancing to a mouthpiece buzzing a tune like a kazoo. So a mouthpiece alone is quite definitely a musical instrument.
I am totally opposed to petty rules and petty rule makers who enforce those petty rules that make no sense.
But we are where we are and if you found a way to bring a mouthpiece onboard a Disney cruise Disney will find a way to ban it and punish you for doing it.
I hope you find a way forward but I fear that bringing a mouthpiece on board however silent will simply be seen as evading the Disney rules and I predict you would be treated like a criminal for doing it.
I have faced this level of persecution many times this is not my first rodeo.
And the result might be that your tickets are rendered invalid and everyone with you has their vacation terminated.
@Dr-GO I can't confirm if the feature will be possible by September. It requires further investigation, and I'm not aware of any trumpet mouthpiece USB devices at the moment
@Trumpetb This kind of Disney policy is nothing but self-centred dictatorship. Several times I've had my trumpet - even if only a pocket trumpet - with me on cruises, and every time I was invited to sit in with the ship's orchestra. Even during my recent rehab, I had my pocket trumpet with me and was invited to play with the hospital orchestra... seven years ago, during a rehab, I was invited to sit in with the local big band in defiance of hospital rules... th orchestra won, and the hospital changed its rulebook. (See picture; I'm the guy in the black shirt...)
Boycott Disney for being the entertainment monopolists that they try to be...
@barliman2001 Wise words
It is I am convinced a power thing mixed in with being seen to be sensitive to everyone and respectful of all customers regardless of good sense.
These people as you say think they are in a dictatorship and they have to protect everyone for their own good, or they have to feel they are in control.
I have been banned from performing by security staff while everyone there who heard me perform formed a mob begging and demanding that I be allowed to entertain them and the security didnt care what their customers said.
I have even had the experience of security staff demanding that I pay a venue that I happened to be near, 1000 dollars (uk equivalent) for me to be given permission to play in the street outside that venue.
These people are either thieves bullies or mentally ill or all three, but we have to suffer them.
The only way forward is to approach the people in charge and get an agreement allowing us to perform.
In the case of a cruise the steward of the cabins would probably allow quiet practice if they could hear just how quiet we can be.
I am put in mind of a trumpet player who travelled to an islamic country where music was banned and the immigration staff wanted to confiscate his trumpet on entry, but when the player played for them to demonstrate just how quiet he played they quickly realised they were quite wrong and then allowed the player in with his instrument without any issues, they just asked him to be respectful.
People think instruments are always loud offensive and nasty sounding and can wake the dead and of course that just is not true.
Amateurs who have no control or skill and recent offensive playing of the Vuvuzella for example has made people fear us and that instrument from hell and they now fear all musicians because of it.
A local agreement with the people in charge locally can go a long way to resolving these kinds of issues.
I think we need to work with people and change attitudes where we can.
The one thing we must not do I believe is to hide and sneak instruments in and then be discovered breaking the rules.
@Trumpetb I think the only way of getting the entertainment monopolies broken is to respectfully find a way round the rules... seven years ago, it was hospitl policy not to allow anyone out after therapy hours. I simply told them that for me, playing music was part of my therapy, and denying me the chance to do so was endangering the overall success of the therapy. I finally threatened to leave that rehab and consult with the national press, and then got my leave of absence. Next day - a holiday - I was out and about gigging the whole day, with most of hospital staff in the audience...
@Trumpetb said in
Trumpet Toolkit for Teaching and Learning
But we are where we are and if you found a way to bring a mouthpiece onboard a Disney cruise Disney will find a way to ban it and punish you for doing it.
I have been on, I am guessing now, 6 Disney Cruises and have taken my mouthpiece onboard all of those occasions only to practice it daily on the veranda into a towel so both said towel and ocean waves drown out the sound. And to date have been successful in not having them take my mouthpiece from me. With that said, I always take my least favorite mouthpiece with me just in case.
@Trumpetb said in
Trumpet Toolkit for Teaching and Learning
@barliman2001 Wise words
I am put in mind of a trumpet player who travelled to an Islamic country where music was banned and the immigration staff wanted to confiscate his trumpet on entry, but when the player played for them to demonstrate just how quiet he played they quickly realized they were quite wrong and then allowed the player in with his instrument without any issues, they just asked him to be respectful.
I purchased a really inexpensive pocket trumpet for a business trip I was to take to Saudi Arabia, with the anticipation that it may be confiscated. And so it was. Three times. Each time the individual taking the horn took it to their supervisor and each time the supervisor asked me kindly my intent in bringing the horn. I would then show the supervisor my Yamaha silent mute, then explained, my intent was only to practice the horn in my hotel room with the silencer intact so no one would be able to hear me. The supervisor for each occasion appreciated my discussion and in each case, returned the horn to me.
It is however a sad state of affairs when a restrictive government to many liberties such as Saudi Arabia will yield to reasoning, but Disney will not.
@barliman2001 and @Dr-GO
It is easy to believe we are simply tolerated and downtrodden when we face persecution in society but never forget we are the artists we are the brilliant stars that audiences love and worship.
We inspire others to greatness we influence we captivate and we dazzle.
These rules and restrictions that we must endure are nothing but a trivial bother like the buzzing of insects around us.
I believe the stature of a person is measured by the things that upset them.
Let us simply laugh at such trivial nonsense from Disney and from others, we are above such mundane rubbish and deal with it with the scorn it deserves.
Either we are in charge of our life or our life is in charge of us. So let them make their rules and we will conform not because we have to but we will conform because we choose to.