All-Star Cast...
Just happened on this snippet... a truly all-star cast!
Thanks so much for this amazing history lesson! I had the great pleasure of playing behind Louie Bellson playing lead trumpet in a big band backing him up during a Rocky Mountain tour. I had the best seat in the house, standing on a riser standing just above the master drummer. An experience and memory that is one of the most special in my music career.
I bet that one scene cost 25% of the movie's budget. Loved it. Had my feet tapping , too.
@georgeb It's a whole movie with that cast... I think the most expensive thing must have been the exemption fees (at that time, there were still fines in place if white and coloured musicians appeared in the same scene).
Another clip from the same movie...
Thanks for enlightening me, Barliman. I did some research and found the name of the movie, the full cast and what not. The movie was called A Song Is Born and was released in 1948. I would have been 12 years old then so that's probably why I had never heard of the movie before.