Enjoy your holiday and be thankful.
Best posts made by oldpete
RE: Personality and Taste in Classical Music
I have developed the quadrangle so we can give up the triangle and still enjoy the 'ding'.
RE: 5-bell Schilke Comparison video!
I saw that yesterday and enjoyed it. I really liked the B5 bell
RE: appearances vs practice
Been playing a few hours?? Buzz the mouthpiece five minutes on the easiest pitch for you, take a break, do it again. Take a break then play a few long tones on low C and D. Stay relaxed. Add low B and Bb or Eb when you feel like it. Repeat that everyday for a few days. Do a couple of sessions per day.
RE: HELP! Corona has struck...
Use "Corrosion Cracker". I watched a tech use it to loosen a stuck slide on my Schilke and have kept some around ever since.
RE: I'm back... Now with 100% full dentures and a long road of recovery
Congratulations I had two surgeries and a tooth infection that resulted in a lower partial. I still work on it each day. I found posting youtube vids helped me a little. I had something to work toward. I find I must use a very slight mouthpiece placement change.
RE: What Is Your Favorite Version of the National Anthem?
My current favorite vocal performance - [link text]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x3jcDNijz5o&list=RDx3jcDNijz5o&start_radio=1(link url)
RE: A real OLD comebacker here
@GeorgeB Congratulations on your comeback and progress
RE: Matt Brockman: SCAM
@Brett-Duchon I think I would have said, "It's none of your business!" ... or something less polite
RE: Having to play in too many sharps?
Use a C trumpet, take it down a step and add 2 flats.