First thing, being respected or otherwise, LOL, that wasn't an issue with me, at all. I have worked with musicians who had advanced formal training and those strictly from the streets. There was always much to learn from these street guys, so I don't think of a formal education as trumping anything.
The same goes with amateurs. There's always something to be learned from the next person. And, in my case, that particularly holds true, because I'm having to relearn a lot of stuff and what amateur players are dealing with may be exactly the same that I need. There are almost two complete years I don't even remember.
Regarding recordings of me, I've traveled light over the years. I've lived in nine different states and two countries, traveled/worked throughout the Western hemisphere from Saigon to Moscow, and have not carried much with me.
But to my current situation, I've moved from two hospitals, two rehab centers and two Independent Living facilities with little to no storage facilities. The only things I have (I'm old) are some VHSs and I don't know how to transfer that to this format. I'd be glad to, but I just can't.