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Best posts made by Kehaulani 0
RE: #49 Two Minute Trumpet Trick- How the Get Super-Fast Valves
RE: Oiling trumpet
If the valves stick, wash them, remove all of the previous oil, and reoil with a different oil.
There's not that much difference, practically speaking, in oils as some may want you to believe.
I have, for half a century, just put oil in my leadpipe and blown it through. Had many horns, never had sticky valves.
Matter of fact, for a couple of years, I used a mix of white kerosene and 3andOne oil.
No need to micro-analyse this. Just get an oil that works for you and fuhgeddaboudit.
RE: Happy 4th of July 2.0
{'m not doing squat. But I'll share this blast from the past.
On July 4th during the 200th Anniversary of our country's founding, I was at Ft. McHenry in Baltimore harbor, home of the Star Bangled Banner. I watched a firework reenactment of the bombardment of the fort from a sailing ship that was in the harbour. On the ship, playing the National Anthem was the Tonight Show Orchestra and Doc Severinsen. It doesn't get much more overwhelming than that.
RE: Headache because of out of tune music
Well, my first reaction is, if you are a guitar teacher why are you posting on a trumpet site?
To your question: stress can cause headaches. Guitar hell can cause stress. But if it persists, I would have a talk with my doctor since it could be something else.
RE: For the European Members
Beautiful women, good hearty food, good cross-section of arts. What more could a guy ask for? Czech it out.
(No, I don't live there. Just worked and visited.)
RE: Martin Committee
I have had three Committtees, all good horns. Better than other horns I've also had? No. And I kept exchanging them for different horns.
I suppose there are two factors. 1) how do you want to use it? 2) do you have "mad money"?
RE: HELP!! Trying to trace a very special cornet!
Barliman, you don't know who Alison Balsom is?, she did play in a Munich brass band.
I'm sure she might help if she can, but I would be patient. With her recording and touring schedule, I would think an inquiry might take some time to get an answer. Good luck.
RE: Jazz, Blues practice
The thing to remember that is paramount, is that Jazz/Blues is an aural art. You need to hear and internalize it, not read it.
Yes, reading books can be helpful. But until you get the feel in your ears, everything is just peripheral.
Listen to some Blues and Jazz music and sing along with it until a listener cannot tell that there are two performers. You have to, without an instrument, internalise the feel. When you do this, as a by-product, you pick up idiomatic articulations, phrasing and all the other elements of music. Then -
Learn the six-note Blues Scale and start playing simple blues with these notes. You'll discover that a basic Blues has only three chords and the Blues scale fits over it very easily. The Jamey Aebersold Play-Along, Nothin' But Blues, (Vol. 2) is one good starting point.
After you/ve doing all that, begin playing along with recordings. You can also start transcribing useful licks to practice. Miles' solo on So What from Kind of Blue is a good starting point for transcribing. While it's not a Delta Blues, it's simple enough to use to learn transcribing techniques.
RE: HELP!! Trying to trace a very special cornet!
". . . put together from odds and ends of failed oompah bands, with an average age of between 60 and 90, and fell apart . . . ".
Funny. I think I know that band. -
RE: For the European Members
I don't see how there wouldn't be. In Germany, I conducted, at any given time, two city bands, a university band and a jazz band and played in another city concert band, jazz band and combos.
I lived near Kaiserslautern, Germany is a city of about 100,000 people. Prague has about 1.36 million people. Surely the opportunities are even better.
You'll find that in large cities there are sections of town, often going way back to when they were separate villages, that keep their identities and have their own musical groups. Furthermore, Prague certainly has surrounding villages that also have their musical groups.
Another thing you may find useful it that the people may look on you, at first at least, as something unique and show you more interest.