Best posts made by J. Jericho
For those who remember gunshowtickets
I spoke with Giancarlo DiFazio's father this afternoon, and the trial of Gian's widow has been postponed AGAIN. January 6, 2020 is the new court date. Hopefully there will be no more delays, and justice will be served.
I noticed that Giancarlo's dad, Nino, has become a member of TrumpetBoards, so anyone wishing to communicate with him will be able to do so by starting a chat with difazio.
80 Years Today
By Boston Public Library - https://www.flickr.com/photos/24029425@N06/2352736854/, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=108895779 -
RE: Mouthpiece issue
@rowuk ... or he should use the Bach numbering system. You know... the number of high notes is stamped into the mouthpiece, along with which pitch the mouthpiece contains! For example, a 10-1/2 C enables you to play ten and one half octaves of the note "C", whereas a 2 only has two undetermined high notes available.
RE: Differences between grades of instruments
In a basic sense, beginning instruments are made to survive inexperienced handling and provide the player with a positive sense of playing on a budget, intermediate instruments are affordable instruments made with more attention to things like intonation and response for players who can discern such qualities, and finally, advanced instruments are well-thought-out and designed to optimize characteristics that enable advanced players to play without concern for compensating for an instrument's shortcomings.
As for Miles Davis, he had a very high opinion of himself and perhaps feigned insult at being handed a trumpet he recognized as being beneath his lofty standards. Show any number of members of TB a picture of a trumpet, and they'll likely be able to tell you the make, model, and year range of that horn. As for Miles not being able to do anything with the one he was handed, the truth of the matter is that a good player can make any horn sound just fine. I've said in the past that there are some well-known trumpet players that could play a cast iron bathtub and make it sound good.
RE: The Seven C's
Playing in the extreme upper register is relatively easy if you use the right equipment:
RE: A little humour
And that's how the fight started ........
One year, I decided to buy my mother-in-law a cemetery plot as a Christmas gift . .
The next year, I didn't buy her a gift.
When she asked me why, I replied,
"Well, you still haven't used the gift I bought you last year!"
And that's how the fight started.....My wife and I were sitting at a table at her high school reunion:
she kept staring at a drunken man swigging his drink as he sat alone at a nearby table.
I asked her, "Do you know him?"
"Yes", she sighed,
"He's my old boyfriend. I understand he took to drinking right after we
split up those many years ago, and I hear he hasn't been sober since."
"Good grief!" I said, "Who would think a person could go on celebrating
that long?"
And then the fight started...When our lawn mower broke and wouldn't run, my wife kept hinting to me that I should get it fixed.
But, somehow I always had something else to take care of first, the shed, the boat, making beer.
Always something more important to me.
Finally she thought of a clever way to make her point.
When I arrived home one day, I found her seated in the tall grass,
busily snipping away with a tiny pair of sewing scissors.
I watched silently for a short time and then went into the house.
I was gone only a minute, and when I came out again I handed her a toothbrush.
I said, "When you finish cutting the grass, you might as well sweep the driveway."
The doctors say I will walk again, but I will always have a limp.My wife sat down next to me as I was flipping channels.
She asked, "What's on TV?"
I said, "Dust."
And then the fight started...My wife was hinting about what she wanted for our upcoming anniversary.
She said, "I want something shiny that goes from 0 to 165 in about 2 seconds."
I bought her a bathroom scale.
And then the fight started......I rear-ended a car this morning...the start of a REALLY bad day!
The driver got out of the other car, and he was a DWARF!!
He looked up at me and said 'I am NOT Happy!'
So I said, 'Well, which one ARE you then?'
That's when the fight started. -
RE: A little humour
Subject: Word Play
- ARBITRATOR A cook that leaves Arby’s to work at McDonald’s
- BERNADETTE The act of torching a mortgage.
- BURGLARIZE What a crook sees through
- AVOIDABLE What a bullfighter tries to do
- EYEDROPPER Clumsy ophthalmologist
- CONTROL A short, ugly inmate.
- COUNTERFEITER Workers who put together kitchen cabinets
- ECLIPSE What an English barber does for a living.
- LEFT BANK What the bank robbers did when their bag was full of money.
- HEROES What a man in a boat does
- PARASITES What you see from the Eiffel Tower
- PARADOX Two physicians
- PHARMACIST A helper on a farm
- POLARIZE What penguins see through
- PRIMATE Remove your spouse from in front of TV
- RELIEF What trees do in the spring
- RUBBERNECK What you do to relax your wife
- SELFISH What the owner of a seafood store does
- SUDAFED Brought litigation against a government official
- PARADIGMS Twenty cents
RE: Will modification hurt the value of Getzen 900H Bobby Herriot?
Which is more important to you - a useful horn you can enjoy, or a possible decline of a fraction of the value of the horn sometime in the future?
Natural Trumpet
Julian Zimmerman website (translated into English; also available in original German) https://naturtrompete.ch/en/natural-trumpet/ . Feel free to explore the rest of his website for more info.
RE: RIP Trumpet "Master"
@BigDub said in RIP Trumpet "Master":
@Dr-GO said in RIP Trumpet "Master":
And I take this as a chance for a rebirth. gmonady is now Dr GO.
We haven’t worked out any details regarding editing as of yet.
If he's reborn, maybe he won't need an editor....