@flugelgirl You are right. THAT is the guy that I saw. Sal somebody? Fine player.
Hope you and yours are well. Long time no see.

Posts made by edfitzvb
RE: Who is the other trumpeter for Tower of Power?
RE: Who is the other trumpeter for Tower of Power?
@dr-go Thanks. I thought that might be who it was, wanted corroboration.
Who is the other trumpeter for Tower of Power?
I have not been successful yet at finding the name of the player I see in many videos on Youtube. I recognize Adolfo Acosta, but who is the other guy? He is bigger than Acosta. Not Greg Adams, certainly not Mic, and not Lee. Who is he? Fine player for sure
Bruno Tilz mouthpieces
Anyone else here use Bruno Tilz mouthpieces? I find them to be very comfortable. In the end, thtat is the most important quality in a mouthpiece for me, translates to more face time
Conn 80A
I currently own a Conn 80A cornet which is my favorite of the 3 cornets that I currently own. Really like the ease of play and slotting. It is my 4th Conn. My first was a 6B which was a very very fine horn. Then I bought the old Conn flugel, the one built like an oversized trumpet. Next up was an old Director with a Coprion bell before my current 80A. Since I don't play much cornet anymore I am not concerned with the timbre as much as Dale, but I find that it blends favorably with my neighbor's recent and expensive Kanstul shepherd crook horn. My wish list for horns to try out are an old 22B and a 38B.
RE: First Horns
My first horn was actually my brother's cornet... a King, I think. I played violin and he played cornet, but he WAS my brother, so his stuff was mine also, and I played his cornet from time to time. Then we moved to the mountains of VA and there was no string program, so I picked French Horn. About that time he got his first trumpet, a very fine large bore Selmer Radial 2. My senior year in high school I borrowed a trumpet from somebody (don't remember all these years later) in marching band where I played most stuff up an octave and earned the nickname "iron chops" from our director. Then in college (still a Horn Player as a Major) I bought MY first trumpet (thought I'd never get there, didn't you) a Conn 6B. Since then many many more along the way. Traded the 6B in on a Bach Strad. Great horns both. The Strad was stolen out of my car a few months later. Only those who have had horns stolen can understand the rage and frustration.
RE: Let's Have Some Fun!
@Dr-GO said in Let's Have Some Fun!:
@djeffers78 said in Let's Have Some Fun!:
I personally enjoy the natural trumpet selections on this piece. Something just fits better
I personally enjoyed the 6 naked super models!
You are a better man than I. I was exhausted after four.
RE: Which picc?
There was obvious confusion and disappointment, and a cultural miscommunication as to what constitutes a sale.....
To me, disagreement constitutes conflict. Perhaps it is a matter of semantics -
RE: How many of you taught yourself to play?
Since I have never had a trumpet lesson, I guess I taught myself. I had lessons in my first instrument (violin) but when we moved to Virginia from North Carolina as a boy the local schools had no string program. I then switched to the French Horn, which I played through college. No lessons there except for reading Farkas' book/booklet. It was years before I grasped the range of that instrument. After graduation I started singing in a band which had a saxophone player. Since my brother played trumpet, I had noodled on it and bought one to play with the sax. Have been playing trumpet ever since. The "lessons" I get these days are from knowledgeable posters on trumpet sites and respected players on Youtube.
RE: Which picc?
Wonderful to see a happy ending between 2 people who I hold in esteem.
RE: Update on my "saving grace" mouthpiece...
I'm one of those guys who finds a mouthpiece and stays with it for the most part. To me, comfort is the most important thing. I have gone to a #6 Bruno Tilz piece that I bought for a song on eBay. It is comfortable and I play longer periods before needing a break. Comfort is it for me, the sound comes with time on face.
RE: Arturo Sandoval
To quote the classic line from Big Jake, "Mister, I believe ya"
RE: Arturo Sandoval
Well, now, that's as clear as mud, with different answers from reputable sources. I guess it's a good thing that I didn't need to know. The cigar banding is good to know, as the autographed picture that I own pre-dated that time.... clean horn then
Arturo Sandoval
I was watching some Youtube videos of Arturo Sandoval performing. I was curious to know who makes his trumpet for him and why he has that cloth band above the bell flare. I undrstand his flugel is a Van Laar, but don't see anything about the trumpet. Can anyone here enlighten me? Just curious, NOT in the market for ANOTHER horn. ...Must..... resist.... Thanks
RE: Favorite Music
Spinal Tap.... One of my FAVORITE movies ever. So much that I could relate to. If you EVER played rock music, this movie will be a joy. It's one of those movies where you can watch it multiple times and find new things each time.
RE: Finally, I amd playing a Conn Trumpet again
In the Conn world, I hear good things about the Vintage One trumpet. I had a Conn 6B that I wish was still mine, and still have an 80A cornet that I like very much. I am sure that no matter which configuration you ultimately choose, you will be satisfied with your purchase. Enjoy.
Is there anything better than a new horn that plays well???? -
RE: Favorite Cornet
My favorite is my Conn 80A right now, but I am considering purchasing a shepherd crook. I might then sell my Olds Special. I have seen a lot of Herbert Clarke model cornets by Holton. Can anyone here tell me what their eperience has been with this model? Is this a good horn? Thanks for your responses.
Sorry if this hijacks, but I DID give my response as to a current favorite cornet.
RE: A little humour
@Kehaulani said in A little humour:
Mine goes up to 11, hah, hah, hah.
I love when people quote the classics
RE: Some good...."non-trumpeting" music :)
Okay... For anyone living under a rock that doesn't know but appreciates good singing, control and vocal range, allow me to introduce to you....
Dimash Kudaibergen
I could send any number od posts but this is one of his most famous. The guy is eye-opening
RE: Rock, Pop, Classic 70's "Horn Bands" from back in the day?
@Dr-GO Played a lot of that stuff back when. Actually like the groove better on The Isley Brothers version. My favorite song from that album (they WERE albums back then) was this one. No trumpets, but what a great groove