Speaking of Mets. The Miracle Mets of 1969 had three players from Mobile Alabama in the outfield. Tommie Agee, Cleon Jones, and Amos Otis. A few days ago the National ABC new media was in Mobile interviewing Cleon over the finding of the wreck of the ship Clotilda. He was among one of a handful of people long supporting Africa Town and the search for the Clotilda. It was obvious the reporter didn't know who Cleon was....guess it was ancient history the Mets winning a World Series. Why shouldn't they have taken notice? Sad in a way though. The Coltilda was the last ship to bring African slaves to the US , illegally by all laws at the time, thirty or more years before the Civil War. It was done as a bet by one rich man to show that he could do it. The "illegal" contraband colonized what is known as Africa Town as a section of North Mobile.