Proper Embouchure?
I struggled for decades with my embouchure. I was a pretty good player. Good enough to get a full scholarship to college. I was able to make the 6 o'clock Lab Band at UNT and subbed in the 4. I've studied with some well known teachers. But I was never able to really have excellent control of the horn. At some point I caught onto the Rusty Russel 19/30s exercise. It helped me learn to play without so much muscle tension in my embouchure. That enabled me to increase my endurance. Then I found The Basic Embouchure. It is not so much a method of making a correct embouchure. It is more of a series of exercises that allow you to find the embouchure that works for you. Once I found my way, I was able to play without trying to make my embouchure work. That freed my mind to audiate while I played. This was a big step for me.
So I guess I would choose neither of the two choices.
Theory is a nice thing. With embouchure, I can only say - "what works, works." I've seen too many excellent players with weird to absurd embouchures...