Artist on BOARD
@georgeb love and appreciate the enthusiasm, but I think they only count people once. Just like our posts here. Can’t like them more than once from any one source.
I knew about "likes", but I'm not sure about views. Views were 997 a minute ago.
Made it to 1000 views this afternoon! I am planning out another one to come out soon. This time I am going to be a little more organized with my thoughts…..that’ll be tricky.
Another video on YouTube. Have a look, if you like.
So that's how you paint a picture in 4 minutes.
Nice work, Wayne.
George -
You got it. -
Here is another YouTube video of my newest painting.
Hope you enjoy watching it!
Insteresting as always, Wayne.
Quite a few years ago there was a half hour tv program on the Canadian Broadcasting (CBC) network showing the starring artist doing a painting from screatch, exactly how you are doing your youtube series. It was that show that got me started on doing watercolors and my wife on pastels. I think the time is ripe for that kind of tv show again. Maybe your local station would consider you doing one. It could see a whole new batch of artists enter the art scene in your little place in the world. And if it was syndicated, well who knows what....?George
Very kind of you to say, but I think I wouldn’t want to be tied down like that right now, plus I don’t think I would have enough material to put together something every week….I am retired, too, by the way -
Riffing off of George's comments about watercolors and pastels, this anecdote might interest the musician/painter at heart.
I was doing a watercolor abstract at the Honolulu Academy of Art and felt this presence over my shoulder. I finally looked up and it was my instructor, who asked, "Are you a musician?" I said yes and asked how he knew. "From the way you handled colors" he said.
I thought that was an interesting parallel. I was a budding composer of what you might call "abstract music".
That was insteresting, Kehaulani. The thing is, even back in the early years of my playing, I rubbed shoulders with other musicians who dabbled in painting. What is it about that connection of music and colors ? I'm not sure I can put my finger on it.
George -
That was just some random thinking, Wayne. To do what I was talking about would take a huge commitment of time and effort, I certainly understand why you wouldn't be interested in that.
George -
Look at a Monet and simultaneously listen to Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun and you can intuit it.
@kehaulani said in Artist on BOARD:
Look at a Monet and simultaneously listen to Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun and you can intuit it.
I almost never paint without music ( my own very diverse ) playlist playing in the background. Not loud at all, just enough so I can hear it.
It would feel awkward to paint in silence.
Interesting about your instructor, too, Kehaulani. I think you mentioned it before, and I thought the same thing. -
Haven’t shown anything for quite a while, but this is my most recent piece. I am planning on entering it into my State Senior Art Competition. -
I think you have picked a winner, Wayne.
George -
I can feel the crisp chill in the air. Great work.
My newest painting. This one got on the front page of the Montgomery News, next town over from me. It will be good publicity for the upcoming show in which I am a participant. Always helpful.
Hi @BigDub I really should come here more often; that is fabulous as ever!
Best wishes to you and all!
This is a new piece I just completed….also a link to the YouTube video of the entire painting from start to finish.