Found a Trumpet to buy, it it a good one?
Hello, recently I put a post asking what I should do in upgrading my trumpet. For those who didn't see my last post, I am a sophomore in highschool, and I'm in band and marching band. I have been looking to upgrade my trumpet (Yamaha advantage ytr 200 ad). I had many helpful responses, with most people recommending me to stay away from older trumpets. I have found a 2006 Getzen Eterna Classic (link below) and I was wondering if it was a suitable upgrade for me. Again thank you for all of the responses to my last question!
@lake-serperior It certainly is a good trumpet, and Getzen has an incredible record of superior valve quality. If you can test-play it, do so; if not, bear in mind that most Yamahas have a similar playability that is sometimes rather far removed from other brands. Whichever trumpet you buy, don't count on being as familiar with the new horn from Day 1.
I think those Getzen trumpets are a very good value. You usually can't go wrong with them, although I have played a few I did not like.
FWIW - The plating appears to have worn off the valve block, possibly the result of having a valve guard on it long enough to cause damage, and it often doesn't take long for a valve guard to ruin the finish underneath it to some degree. Some people don't mind the wear; others would want to deal with the situation. If left alone, oxidation will continue, although eventually patina will develop to slow this process. It's likely you'd have to deal with the smell of brass on your hands, and there's also the likelihood that there is a small amount of lead in the brass that can contaminate your skin. The more expensive the solution to the corrosion, the more effective the result. Replating would be ideal, but not cost-effective. Compromises include lacquering or waxing the area.
Overall, if this trumpet has good valves and it plays well, the price looks pretty fair. At this price, I wouldn't let the appearance prevent me from buying it. I'd try to negotiate for a lower price, though, just to see if it would be possible to pay less.