I”m a ex music professor 80 yrs old, and played trumpet badly for a couple of years 50 years ago. I have a new Bach Strad and 7C, 6C, 5C, and 3E mouthpieces. I’ve studied several YouTube videos on embouchure and aperture and have been getting good, full tone from G on the staff down to the F# below as well as the pedals. But I had not been able, after several weeks, to get any results above the G. The mouthpieces I have best results with ar the 6C and 3E. Today,just for the heck of it, I moved the mouthpiece half its width to the right on my lips. To my shock, blowing softly and with just enough pressure to seal the mouthpiece to my lips, I was able to lip slur from the bottom C through the high Bb and C 2 octaves above and back down, hitting each overtone solidly and with good tone.
Am I correct in interpreting that to suggest I need a wider mouthpiece and probably the same cup depth?