Listen to the good doctor. I'll tell you this, without music, this covid thing would have driven me insane. I'm biting at the bit to get back to the full band, but some of us, a small group, will be doing some outdoor playing pretty soon. Maybe you can do that, too, Rapier232.

Best posts made by GeorgeB
RE: Staying in top playing shape post band shutdown
RE: Artist on BOARD
I have a great imagination, Wayne. By the way, the work is great.
RE: Opinions of General Quality of Martin Trumpets
Some great playing there, Doc, but I don't think it's because of the horn. The grease may work well on the Martin, but IMHO I bet you can get that greasy thing on most any horn you play. -
RE: Merry Christmas- here's a song
Pentatonic off !
Nice playing, Wayne.
George -
RE: New Player has entered the Game - Part 2
Sounds like you are doing well. I am into my 5th year as a comeback player at the age of 84. I played between 1953 to 1965 with my own 5 piece combo as a weekend warrior. Did well until DJ's and rock music took over in '65, so I put the horn aside then and concentrated on my career in printing and publishing. I often wonder how far advanced I'd be today as a player had I stuck with the trumpet.
I am not qualified to hand out advance other than to say what works for me, and what works for me is a daily dose of long tones, flow studies, lots of 2 octave scales and plenty of lip slurs. But most of all I use my afternoon practice time to play tunes-- never less than 12 every day, seven days a week.
RE: Artist on BOARD
Wayne is a very clever artist and does these little things on purpose to make you wonder what is going on in his works of art...
RE: In search of “my horn.”
Interesting thread. I like dark, and I get that in spades with my Conn Vintage 1 and my Buescher 400. But if I want the flugel sound I simply play my ACB doubler.
RE: New Player has entered the Game - Part 2
2 Octave Scales:
This is playing every major and minor scale in every key. For example a C Major scale goes from C below the staff to high C above the staff. The key of G Major goes from G below the staff to G above the staff, etc., until all keys are played. I do these once a week. I also do INTERVALS once a week in various keys from below to above the staff. Most of the other exercises are done daily. I practice at 5 am to 6 am mornings and from 3 pm to 4 pm every afternoon playing tunes.I know where you are coming from. I had a wife and 3 sons when I was playing evenings or weekends as well as holding down a full time job in the 50s and 60s. It's not easy on the family. I was lucky and had a great wife who never complained.
RE: Olds Recording
@dr-go said in Olds Recording:
George, what year?
Hi, Doc. They tell me the serial number puts it at either a 1938 or 1939.
By the way, while chances aren't great we'll meet in this world, I would sure love to play with you on our recordings in a duet in the great hereafter.
RE: Moderator absent...
Sounds spectacular. Have fun and enjoy the beauty of Italy.
George -
RE: New Player has entered the Game - Part 2
@Kehaulani said in New Player has entered the Game - Part 2:
@GeorgeB said in New Player has entered the Game - Part 2:
I practice at 5 am to 6 am mornings .I thought 5 AM was when you were getting IN not when you're getting UP.
Ha ha...yeah, that happened a lot between 1953 and 1965.
RE: Did something change?
I feel the site is progressing well considering the short period of time it has been operating.
My greatest hope is that there will be more discussion on technical things to help us all play better. Soon as I finish here I will be making a post about lip flexibility and look forward to different takes and suggestions on the subject.
And I don't much give a damn about who thinks they are right or wrong. I'll make that decision myself, thank you. -
RE: Olds Trumpet ( Model# NA100ZU )
I am happy you took the time to reply, David. It is annoying when you offer help and never hear back.
I am awaiting my 1939 Olds Recording that is in transit. Now that is a real Olds and can't wait to play it.
George -
RE: Moderator absent...
Just went to that website and it was truly amazing. A trip there would be something you would never forget.
And as for Sicily, well I have never been there but I have an Italian penpal who spends quite a bit of time there and she has sent me many videos and pictures, especially of the Lecara Friddi municipality where she and some friends are involved in restoring the Sinatra home where Frank's father was born and raised, as well as adding a Sinatra museum and foundation. Pictures of the countryside and seaside are breathtaking.
George -
RE: Artist on BOARD
Looking at the painting I feel like I can reach out and touch the dogs soft fur. Man, you are one heck of a fine artist, Wayne. -
RE: Courtois Balanced Model...
Hope you gets lots of enjoyable hours playing it.