Thoughts About TB Giving Ongoing Tutorials to Kids and How to Start the Program
A tutorial can be as intimate as one of us sitting beside the student to listening to the student via the Internet and lending advice. Since an intimate one-on-one setting is impossible. Why not send out the message that we have tutors (I'll volunteer as one) that will help kids with their trumpet needs?
- Have the kid send a recording.
- Have a designated "Lead" tutor for that particular student.
- The student is given assignments based on their recording and what they wish to accomplish.
- The student checks in with a second recording in a week or two to see if the instructions are being followed.
- The student is asked to donate or have the parents donate an amount determined by the global administrator that will help keep the site up and running.
What do you think?
There is potential in this, Dr. Mark. I retired as a post-secondary educator. Three principles guided my efforts during my stint in post-secondary education:
Rigor - make sure educational experiences are appropriately challenging;
Relevance - make sure efforts to educate are clearly relevant to students' interests and ambitions;
Relationship - create and maintain appropriate student-teacher relationships, for nothing is more effective in creating that sense of accountability that helps students persist until they complete their course of study.
If the tutorials you describe incorporate these principles, they ought to be quite effective. Also, this could be a great way to build enthusiasm for music among youngsters and increase TB membership. Your OP provided me with some direction for my efforts with two of my grandsons. Thanks!
Kehaulani Credentialed Professional last edited by Kehaulani Sep 23, 2019, 4:32 PM Sep 23, 2019, 4:31 PM
I'd be glad to contribute to an already existing thread, or course of study, as a contributor but not as a primary. It's an interesting idea.
This may sound a little disingenuous, but I think the above requirement is important, that the course of study/information should "make sure educational experiences are appropriately challenging".
And, to me, that means a place for a qualitative exchange of ideas and not just frequented by yet another person just looking for easy answers and not particularly interested in doing the hard work, themselves.
And that goes for forum members, too, who buy into this by giving in to obvious answers and doing the work for the student, themselves. Nobody really benefits from this.