Louis Armstrong Home and Archive-Fascinating
I came across this, this morning. It is a tour of Louis Armstrong's house and archives, as well as some voice recordings and anecdotes. It's about 50 minutes. Very interesting.
Great find, Kehaulani. That will give me something to do after I finish practice tomorrow morning. Thanks so much for posting. -
The video you posted was very informative, well done, and well worth the nearly one hour invested in watching it.
There is a back story to Louis Armstrong’s life as well. I grew up in Mt. Vernon, N.Y. as did a woman who claimed to be Louis Armstrong’s daughter. She was born in Harlem, the daughter of a dancer that was part of Louis Armstrongs touring show. When the girl was seven, the year that I was in 9 th grade, Louis Armstrong purchased a house for the mother and daughter in Mt. Vernon. According to her, he continued to support them even a few years past his death in 1971. I only was aware of this possibility around 2012 when this story broke.
The following is one of many references to this story:https://www.nola.com/entertainment_life/music/article_3cdd28a9-b5b5-5318-8383-ab65fe0c2c6d.html
Very interesting, Steve. Living up to responsibilities, well that says a lot about the man, doesn't it. -
Today I ran across this podcast from the Washington Post discussing that the Louis Armstrong Museum was open for virtual visits. There are 2,000 hours of tapes that Louis Armstrong made with a home reel to reel recorder, some of which are featured on the podcast ( be prepared for some profanity ) that Armstrong made to chronicle his life. There are also photographs to go along with the tapes at the museum site. The podcast is 30 minutes but only the first 10 minutes concern this topic. The podcast can be found at the following link:
The virtual museum exhibit, “That’s My Home” can be found at:
Thanks, Steve, that virtual exhibits link was interesting and entertaining. The thing I have always loved about Satchmo is that no matter where he is, on stage, in the movies, at home or wherever, he is just plain Satchmo, the man.
I am so glad I got to see him in Concert. He always made time for fans after the concert. This one was in Halifax sometime in the 60s and when I got to talk to him I told him he was one of the reasons I played the trumpet. He just laughed and said, "yeah, man, next time, bring your horn ". I will never forget that moment.
It was fun meeting Trummy Young, too, but all he wanted to know was where could he find a party to go to.