Ten-ish years ago a girl (well, a 40-something) bought a trumpet. It was very cheap but in good nick, and the seller threw in ten learn-to-play-trumpet books. The girl didn't know she wasn't well enough to learn.
Filled with enthusiasm, expecting it to come easily because she'd taken to the French horn effortlessly in her teens (and dropped it again), she was gutted when it didn't all Just Happen. But she did join the TrumpetMasters forum.
Posted maybe twice. Found she wasn't well enough even to keep up with a forum, let alone have the puff to play a trumpet.
Every so often she glanced wistfully at TM. Then one day, it wasn't there. But {black & white turns technicolor} ... I found TrumpetBoards!
I'm lurking until life lets me trumpet. I am well enough now, if all my puff didn't go on Important Things {grump} but one day I will learn, and will get involved. Meanwhile the monthly emails are there so I remember the name TrumpetBoards in future - because I tend to lose bookmarks.