Dear friends and colleagues,
I’m happy to share the exciting news that Charles Schlueter, the retired Principal Trumpet of the Boston Symphony and faculty for many years at the New England Conservatory, has published a book! Indirection: On Becoming a Better Musician and Trumpet Player as a Conceptual Process, is a memoir, a look into Charlie’s unique approach to music-making, and an instructional guide that will benefit everyone from beginners to seasoned professionals. It includes insight into the instrument but focuses much more on a conceptual approach to music-making that will benefit all musicians, not just trumpeters.
This book has been in process for almost 40 years and I was honored to serve as editor, working closely with Charlie over the last few years to shape it into something that I think folks will really enjoy. Carl Vigeland (author of In Concert), Eric Berlin (faculty at UMass), and Andy Stetson (faculty at Texas Tech) were also instrumental in putting this book together. It also includes essays from friends and colleagues about how Charlie’s approach to music has shaped their own work and lives, including contributions from Dave Monette, Matt Sonneborn, Norm Bolter, and many others.
We hope this book is something that can be both interesting and useful for all who read it. Please let me know if you have any questions and I’ll be happy to answer them in the comments (or pass them along to Charlie).
Best wishes,
Jimi Michiel
Boston, MA
Click here to buy Indirection on Amazon