@Estevao My eyesight is pretty poor anymore. I wear +5.0 contacts just for walking around, and +1.75 cheaters to read. My solution to reading music was to scan it all and put it on the biggest iPad I can get, in ForScore. With aggressive cropping, and also extensive cleanup - often pixel by pixel - to get rid of smudges, smears, schmutz that others can ignore but which my eyes take longer to recognize and disregard. I can get a remarkably clean and legible sheet out of a very nasty, crufty scan, and about 125% larger than if it was on a clean page. In some cases our original paper was the result of a scan of a scan of a photocopy of a copy of a copy and compared to that I have a few that are closer to 175% of original.

I also turn the brightness on the screen all the way up. Really helps.

THEN you also have the option of turning it sideways and viewing half a page at a time. You have more page turns, and it will be harder to read very far ahead, so you will want to make use of the Links feature to help with jumps, possibly even in repeats and certainly in dal segno and coda jumps.