My "dark horse" is a brand, Courtois. They went out of the trumpet business in 2015 or so and they are not very popular now.. because of that the prices are ridiculously low. The horns are just as awesome, top trumpeter Sergei Nakariakov is still playing on them last I heard.. no endorsement benefits possible there, the company isn't even making trumpets anymore.
I have an Evolution IV (heavy, braced) I got for $850 and also a couple Privilege horns (lightweight, step-bore) - I think I paid $650 for one and $850 for the other. If you can't find one I will sell my Privilege in silver which was a demo horn, it is nearly new. I shouldn't have bought it since I already had one but it was so cheap I could not resist. On top of these there is the Delmotte model ("Grand Siecle") which is a Bb/C conversion. I also bought one of them, too cheap to resist again and a superb player either in Bb or C. These three Courtois types are very different trumpets in terms of how they play, but they are all extraordinary designs.