@trumpetb all King 2055 models were silver. The s designated it had a saddle. The t was trigger. The 2055tub was trigger with up turned bell liked the dizzy model. The 2055dz was the dizzy Gillespie endorsed model. They had both the upturned bell model as well as the straight bell, but this model had the saddle and an etched image of Dizzy on the bell.
As far as the 1055t being better, yes it is than the 2055t, however, the 2055t is still a great horn especially for the price and can hold its own against a bach 37. They can be had on used market usually under 1k and usually around 500-700 in mint condition. For a high school kid or college kid it would be on heck of a horn on a budget and last and blends well with the bachs and Yamaha.
I collect and research King trumpets