Apart from eBay, where does one look for bits pieces, parts & tools, for restoring old & abused instruments? At the moment, I'm looking for (but realizing I may have to make) felt and cork stopper rings for the valve tops of a Carl Fischer Reliable.
@_mark_ Try.... But the items you are seeking are pretty esoteric.
@_mark_ Ask flugelgirl. She should know.
Part of the deal with felts and corks is knowing the sizes you need. Since we techs keep an assortment and measure what is needed with the proper tools as we go, no one is going to be able to tell you what you’ll need to order ahead of time. Also, if you’re doing this yourself you’ll need to have the tools to measure upstroke as well as downstroke if you don’t want it to play stuffy.
@flugelgirl yes, thanks. This is coming clear as i go along. I've DIYd my way through life, have many & various tools, and generally read, calculate & measure twice or more times before actually making a move. My several inexpensively acquired used and abused trumpets have various issues that I'm working out 'blind'. Learning via apprenticeship isn't even a real world option. So it goes! Thanks for the tips.