Introductory Teaching - 5th Grade
My first exposure to trumpet playing was in Fifth Grade Elementary School (62 years ago).
I am trying to channel that experience now since my Fifth Grade grandson announced that he chose the Trumpet in his school music class. I have read a lot of posts here and have learned a lot from educators like Ivan etc.
I have some spare trumpets, and will be donating my older Selmer Paris for him to start. Choice of Bach 3C or 7C mouthpieces. Case need replacing but that is easy enough.
My initial thoughts on teaching a beginner (as a grandfather and current trumpet player) are below. My emphasis is that he chose the trumpet because he hears me play and perform. So this is initial exposure and instruction. If successful, he will obviously need a real instructor.
It should be fun.
It should be rewarding.
It is a path for growth, similar to sports.Initial instruction :
Importance of breathing and breath
Lip Buzzing
Listening to music and finding a favorite music
Exploring the instrument
Creating beautiful tonesI deliberately do not include reading music notation at this point. Let the school teacher do that.
Since this is a Charter School, I also see this as an opportunity for volunteering.
I welcome all thoughts and suggestions for this journey.
@fels For teaching a beginner I suggest you watch on youtube Mr Bill's Trumpet First lesson. This is the best instruction I have seen.
I do not encourage lip or mouthpiece buzzing as I feel this introduces excessive chop tension. Feel free to chat if you would like to discuss further,
Regards, Stuart.
Thanks --will look into it