@stumac Okay, I’m back. Your question about cornet storage was illuminating. I store my cornet on a standard K&M stand with the bell down. However, when I look at the wear pattern/oil saturation, it’s valve 1 that needs its felts changed out most frequently; always valve 1, sometimes valve 2, rarely valve 3.
I think liquids flow downhill at my house, so barring some sort of siphoning effect or capillary/wicking action, my felts are most likely getting greasy while I’m playing and not while the cornet is in storage. (I’m not playing it upside down, but stop giving me bad ideas. Sometimes I get bored and curious. I might give it a try.)
On Thursday I did a full clean and swapped in new clean felts. Inspection showed that valve 1&2 felts and corks were soaked, but not valve 3. I had already been doing something similar to your suggested oiling schedule, but with 2 drops of oil instead of 1 drop.
I sometimes have odd issues. Maybe I’m just a greasy felt person. Any other thoughts?